Common name: Grunter breams, Sweetlips


A large family with about 145 species in 17 genera. Commonly called grunts because they pharyngeal teeth together to produce loud sounds, haemulids usually congregate during the day and then spread out to forage at night.

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Dianne J. Bray, Grunter breams, HAEMULIDAE in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,


Randall JE, Allen GR, Steene RC (1997) Fishes of the great barrier reef and coral sea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Burkenroad, MD (1930) Sound production in the Haemulidae. Copeia 1930(1): 17–18.

Iwatsuki Y, Russell BC (2006) Revision of the genus Hapalogenys (Teleostei: Percifomres) with two new species from the Indo–West Pacific. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63: 29–46.

McKay RJ (2001) Haemulidae (= Pomadasyidae). Grunts (also sweetlips, rubberlips, hotlips, and velvetchins), pp 2961–2989. In Carpenter KE, Niem VH (eds). The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific. Volume 5. Rome: FAO.

Tavera, Jo., J. Tavera, A. Acero, E.F. Balart & G. Bernardi. 2012. Molecular phylogeny of grunts (Teleostei, Haemulidae), with an emphasis on the ecology, evolution, and speciation history of New World species. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12:57 PDF