- Classification
- Threpterius
Genus Threpterius
A monotypic genus confined to southern Australia. Features: head very depressed, dorsal profile strongly concave above eyes, nape distinctly convex; snout short, broadly pointed; mouth rather large, reaching past vertical through centre of eye; small sharp teeth in single row laterally on jaws, several rows near symphysis, single row of teeth on vomer; scales covering posterior part of head; base of soft part of dorsal fin nearly as long as spinous portion, membranes behind spines deeply incised, each spine usually with small flesh flag near tip; anal fin truncate, below anterior half of soft dorsal; caudal fin slightly rounded; ventral fins based just below and behind pectoral fin bases.
Author: Martin F. Gomon
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Martin F. Gomon, Threpterius in Fishes of Australia, accessed 15 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/genus/1506