Elegant Wrasse, Anampses elegans Ogilby 1889
Other Names: Elegans Wrasse

A male (terminal phase) Elegant Wrasse, Anampses elegans. Source: Dave Harasti / http://www.daveharasti.com/. License: All rights reserved
The striking males are brownish above with an yellowish-orange mid lateral stripe separating the blue lower sides, a yellow spot on the gill cover, a yellow tail and dark stripes through the eyes. Females are light brown with a faint blue spot on each scale above the lateral line and about 7 indistinct golden stripes along the sides, dark stripes through the eyes, and a silvery chin.
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Bray, D.J. 2022, Anampses elegans in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/1218
Elegant Wrasse, Anampses elegans Ogilby 1889
More Info
Distribution |
Broughton Island to southern New South Wales, especially around offshore islands; also the Lord Howe Province and Norfolk Island in the Tasman Sea. The species is relatively widespread in sub-tropical to warm temperate waters of the Tasman Sea including northern New Zealand. Inhabits rocky and coral reefs, commonly around offshore reefs and islands. Juveniles may form small schools amongst algae in coastal bays and harbours. |
Feeding |
Feeds mainly on crustaceans, molluscs and polycheate worms. |
Etymology |
The specific name is from the Latin elegans (= elegant, fine), presumably in reference to the colourful males: "Mr. Saunders collected several specimens of this handsome Anampses". |
Species Citation |
Anampses elegans Ogilby 1889, Memoirs of the Australian Museum 2(3): 67. Type data: Lectotype AM I.1932, Lord Howe Island. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2022 |
Resources |
Elegant Wrasse, Anampses elegans Ogilby 1889
Ayling, T. & Cox, G.J. 1982. Collins' guide to sea fishes of New Zealand. Collins, Auckland, New Zealand.
Choat, J.H., Ayling, A.M. & Schiel, D.R. 1988. Temporal and spatial variation in an island fish fauna. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 121: 91-111.
Choat, J.H., Pollard, D. & Myers, R. 2010. Anampses elegans. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2.
Coleman, N. 1981. Australian sea fishes north of 30° South. DoubleDay, Sydney, Australia.
Eddy, T.D. 2011. Recent observations of reef fishes at the Kermadec Islands marine reserve, New Zealand. N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 45(1): 153-159.
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Kuiter, R.H. 2010. Labridae fishes: wrasses. Seaford, Victoria, Australia : Aquatic Photographics 398 pp.
Ogilby, J.D. 1889. The reptiles and fishes of Lord Howe Island. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 2(3): 51-74 pls 2-3 https://doi.org/10.3853/j.0067-1967.2.1889.481
Pogonoski, J.J., Pollard, D.A. & Paxton, J.R. 2002. Conservation overview and action plan for Australian threatened and potentially threatened marine and estuarine fishes. Environment Australia, Canberra, Australia.
Randall, J.E. 1972. A revision of the labrid fish genus Anampses. Micronesica 8(1-2): 151-190.