Giant Shovelnose Ray, Glaucostegus typus (Anonymous [Bennett] 1830)
Other Names: Common Shovelnose Ray, Common Shovelnosed-ray

A Giant Shovelnose Ray, Glaucostegus typus, at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. Source: Anne Hoggett / Lizard Island Research Station. License: CC BY Attribution
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Bray, D.J. 2017, Glaucostegus typus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 09 Feb 2025,
Giant Shovelnose Ray, Glaucostegus typus (Anonymous [Bennett] 1830)
More Info
Distribution |
Shark Bay, Western Australia, around the tropical north to central New South Wales. Elsewhere the species is widespread in the tropical Indo-west Pacific. Inhabits inshore and offshore areas, from the intertidal to offshore continental and insular shelves. Adults are found in deeper waters on the continental shelf. Juveniles usually occur inshore, amongst mangroves, in estuaries, and around atolls - and feed on sand flats and amongst mangroves at high tide. |
Feeding |
Feeds mostly on crustaceans, especially crabs and prawns. |
Biology |
Very little is known about the biology or population status of this species. Females and males appear to mature at between 155 and 175 cm total length (TL), and young are born at approximately 38 to 43 cm TL (White et al. 2016). |
Fisheries |
Targeted and taken as bycatch in many artisanal and commercial fisheries throughout its range. In Asia, the flesh is sold for human consumption, and the fins from large animals fetch particularly high prices, creating a significant incentive for bycatch to be retained (White et al. 2016). The compulsory introduction of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) in the Australian northern prawn trawl fishery has reduced the number of large individuals taken in this fishery. |
Remarks |
Although the species was described by Bennett, he was not mentioned in the original publication. Therefore the authorship should technically be "Anonymous". |
Species Citation |
Rhinobatus typus Anonymous [Bennett] 1830, Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir Stanford Raffles: 694. Type locality: Sumatra, Indonesia. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2017 |
Resources |
Giant Shovelnose Ray, Glaucostegus typus (Anonymous [Bennett] 1830)
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