- Classification
- Gerres
- filamentosus
Threadfin Silverbiddy, Gerres filamentosus Cuvier 1829
Other Names: Flagfin Mojarra, Threadfin Silver Belly, Threadfin Silver Biddy, Thread-fin Silver-belly, Whipfin Silverbelly, Whipfin Silverbiddy, Whipfin Silver-biddy

Threadfin Silverbiddy, Gerres filamentosus. Source: David Morgan / Freshwater Fish Group & Fish Health Unit, Murdoch University. License: All rights reserved
A silvery brown silverbiddy grading to brilliant silver below, with vertical rows of indistinct dark oval-shaped spots on sides of adults and subadults; fins tinged with orange-brown, caudal fin margin blackish.
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Dianne J. Bray, Gerres filamentosus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 09 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/2432
Threadfin Silverbiddy, Gerres filamentosus Cuvier 1829
More Info
Distribution |
Widespread in the tropical Indo-Pacific, from eastern coast of Africa to Micronesia. Inhabits sandy or muddy bottoms in coastal areas. Juveniles often occur in fresh water |
Features |
Meristic features: Dorsal fin IX,10; Anal fin III,7; Pectoral fin 15-16; Lateral line 43-46; Gill rakers 4-6 + 8. Body deep, compressed, head profile somewhat convex. Second dorsal-fin spine very long and filamentous, reaching just beyond base of last dorsal-fin ray; anal-fin spines generally robust, third longest; caudal fin deeply forked with pointed lobes. Preopercle with 3 scale rows; 4.5-5.5 scales between 5th dorsal fin spine base and lateral line. |
Colour |
Body silvery brown above, brilliant silver below, with vertical rows of indistinct dark ovoid spots on sides of adults and subadults; all fins tinged with tan, caudal fin margin blackish. |
Fisheries |
Marketed fresh or dried. |
Author |
Dianne J. Bray |