Ornate Emperor, Lethrinus ornatus Valenciennes 1830
Other Names: Yellow-striped Emperor

An Ornate Emperor, Lethrinus ornatus, in Bali, Indonesia. Source: Gerald R. Allen / Fishbase. License: All rights reserved
A pale silvery emperor with five to six golden-orange stripes along the sides, and a bright red to golden-red margin on the operculum and preoperculum.
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Bray, D.J. 2017, Lethrinus ornatus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 12 Mar 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/2464
Ornate Emperor, Lethrinus ornatus Valenciennes 1830
More Info
Distribution |
North of Melville Island, Northern Territory, to Broadhurst Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. Elsewhere the species is widespread in the east Indo-West Pacific. Inhabits sandy and soft bottom areas and seagrass beds in inshore bays, lagoons and areas near reefs. Juveniles feed on shallow reef flats at high tide. |
Features |
Dorsal fin X, 9; Anal fin III, 8; Pectoral fin 13; Lateral line scales (pored) 46-47. Body deep, 38.5-41.7% of SL, dorsal profile of snout convex over eye; cheek scales absent; inner surface of pectoral fin base scaled; 6 longitudinal scale rows (including small scale beneath dorsal fin base) between lateral line and base of middle spine of dorsal fin. |
Feeding |
Feeds mainly on hard-shelled prey such as crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms, crushing them with their molar-like teeth; also consumes polychaete worms and small fishes. |
Fisheries |
The species is of minor commercial importance in parts of its range, and is also taken by recreational anglers - taken in trawls, fish traps, handlines and seine nets. |
Species Citation |
Lethrinus ornatus Valenciennes 1830, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons 6: 310. Type locality: Java. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2017 |
Resources |
Ornate Emperor, Lethrinus ornatus Valenciennes 1830
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