Dipturus acrobelus Last, White & Pogonoski 2008

Other Names: Deepwater Skate

Dipturus acrobelas. Source: CSIRO National Fish Collection. License: CC by Attribution


A large skate with a very long snout, quadrangular disk and slender tail. Notable for its large size and grey-brown dorsal surface with a darker brown-black ventral surface.

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Wood, D.R. 2018, Dipturus acrobelus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 09 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/2645

Dipturus acrobelus Last, White & Pogonoski 2008

More Info


450-1330 m


From Eyre (Western Australia) to Crowdy Head (New South Wales), including Tasmanian waters. Found at a depth of 800 – 1000 m. Endemic to Australia.


A large skate with a very long snout, quadrangular disk and slender tail. With up to 3 nuchal thorns and a rosette of thorns around the eyes of adults. A grey-brown dorsal surface, ventral surface darker brown-black and the caudal fin dark. Malar thorns found in males.


Almost nothing is known about the biology of this species. Males mature at 89-95 cm.


Wood, D.R. 2018

Dipturus acrobelus Last, White & Pogonoski 2008


Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37031035

Depth:800-1000 m

Max Size:137 cm TL

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