Speartooth Shark, Glyphis glyphis (Müller & Henle 1839)

Speartooth Shark, Glyphis glyphis. Source: Richard Pillans / CSIRO. License: All rights reserved
A rare greyish whaler shark with the line between the white and grey body coloration running along the lower edge of the eye, and a black blotch on the underside of pectoral-fin tip.
Video of Speartooth Sharks collected by the team at Cairns Marine under a special permit, for a strategic captive breeding program at the Melbourne Aquarium.
Video of Speartooth Sharks in the Melbourne Aquarium. These sharks were collected under special permit by Cairns Marine for a captive breeding program at the Aquarium.
Speartooth Shark, Glyphis glyphis (Müller & Henle 1839)
More Info
Distribution |
Adelaide and Alligator Rivers, NT, and Wenlock and Bizant River, QLD, and probably others rivers of Gulf of Carpentaria and eastern Queensland. The species also occurs in the Western Province, Papua New Guinea, and elsewhere in the tropical, west Pacific. |
Features |
First dorsal fin broad, triangular; second dorsal fin relatively large, about three-quarters the height of the first dorsal fin, about equal to anal fin; snout short, broadly rounded; upper jaw teeth broadly triangular, erect and serrated, with no cusps. |
Feeding |
Carnivore - feeds on bony fishes and crustaceans. |
Conservation |
Similar Species |
Although Speartooth Sharks appear similar to the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus leucas, they differ in having a more triangular-shaped first dorsal fin, a taller second dorsal fin (about 2/3 the height of the first dorsal fin), a small eye situated within the grey-colored part of the head, not in the lower whte part, and triangular upper jaw teeth without cusps, but with “shoulders”. The Bull Shark is also a yellowish-grey, whereas the Speartooth Shark is steely grey in colour. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2017 |
Speartooth Shark, Glyphis glyphis (Müller & Henle 1839)
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