Western Highfin Spurdog, Squalus altipinnis Last, White & Stevens 2007

Other Names: Greeneye Dogfish

A Western Highfin Spurdog, Squalus altipinnis. Source: CSIRO National Fish Collection. License: CC BY Attribution


A medium sized dogfish with a pointed snout and an upright first dorsal fin with large dorsal fin spines. Grey on the dorsal surface and white on the ventral surface. With Long deeply concaved pectoral fins. The caudal fin is short and noticeable for its lack of a distinctive dark bar through its ventral lobe. Similar to Squalus albifrons differing slightly in features such as, lack of dark tips on dorsal fins and having smaller pectoral and caudal fins.

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Wood, D.R. 2018, Squalus altipinnis in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/3515

Western Highfin Spurdog, Squalus altipinnis Last, White & Stevens 2007

More Info


Found on the continental slope off Rowley Shoals Western Australia.


Medium sized dogfish, with a pointed snout and an upright first dorsal fin with large dorsal fin spines. Long deeply concaved pectoral fins and a short caudal fin with a white posterior margin and lacking a distinctive dark bar through its ventral lobe. Similar blade like teeth in the Upper and Lower jaw. Fins grey with pale tips.


A viviparous (aplacental) species.


Wood, D.R. 2018

Western Highfin Spurdog, Squalus altipinnis Last, White & Stevens 2007


Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37020018

Depth:298–305 m

Max Size:59 cm TL

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