Eastern Longnose Spurdog, Squalus grahami White, Last & Stevens 2007

Other Names: Greeneye Dogfish

An Eastern Longnose Spurdog, Squalus grahami. Source: CSIRO National Fish Collection. License: CC BY Attribution

A Small, slender dogfish with a long pointed snout, prominent and slender dorsal fin spines and a short caudal fin with a dark marginal bar on and above the posterior notch. With a pale grey dorsal surface, paler ventral surface, fin apices dark and free tips white.

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Wood, D.R. 2018, Squalus grahami in Fishes of Australia, accessed 12 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/3519

Eastern Longnose Spurdog, Squalus grahami White, Last & Stevens 2007

More Info


From Bermagui (New South Wales) to Cape York (Queensland). Inhabits the upper continental slope at a depth of 148-504 m. Endemic to these Australian subtropical regions.


Small, slender dogfish with a long pointed snout. Prominent and slender dorsal fin spines, the first spine shorter than the second.  Short caudal fin with a dark marginal bar on and above the posterior notch. Similar blade like teeth in the Upper and Lower jaw.


A viviparous (aplacental) species, with litters of 3-5 young. Males mature at 50 cm and females at63 cm.


Heavily impacted by trawling until the early 1990s, still fished for its flesh in mixed-species trawling in New South Wales.


Wood, D.R. 2018

Eastern Longnose Spurdog, Squalus grahami White, Last & Stevens 2007


Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37020041

Biology:Aplacental viviparous

Depth:148–504 m

Max Size:73 cm TL

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