Blacktip Silverbiddy, Gerres oyena (Forsskål 1775)

Other Names: Blacktip Silver Biddy, Common Silver Biddy, Darnley Island Silverbelly, Darnley Island Silver-belly, Longtail Silverbiddy, Oceanic Silver Biddy, Shining Silver-belly, Slender Silver Belly

A Blacktip Silverbiddy, Gerres oyena, at Bali, Indonesia. Source: Andrey Ryanskiy / FishBase. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial

A silvery-brown silverbiddy grading to brilliant silver below, sometimes with faint dark vertical bands on sides, dorsal and caudal fins tips with black margins, a row of small dusky spots basally on dorsal-fin membrane, and yellowish anal and pelvic fins. 

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Dianne J. Bray, Gerres oyena in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,

Blacktip Silverbiddy, Gerres oyena (Forsskål 1775)

More Info


Widespread in tropical Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to the Caroline Islands. and Samoa. Inhabits inshore waters, especially in soft bottom areas, usually above 30 m.


Meristic features: Dorsal fin IX, 10; Anal fin III, 7; Pectoral fin 15-17; Lateral line 35-40; Gill rakers 3-6 + 8-9; Scale rows above lateral line 4.
Body oblong, compressed, anterodorsal profile convex. Posterior tip of maxilla extending beyond front of eye. Second dorsal fin spine not elongated; pectoral fins short, not reaching origin of  anal fin. Scales mostly absent on premaxillary groove.


Body brownish silver above grading to brilliant silver below, sometime with faint dark vertical bands on sides; tip of dorsal and caudal fins with black margins; a row of small dusky spots on dorsal-fin membrane near base; anal and pelvic fins yellowish. 


Dianne J. Bray

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37349004

Depth:0-40 m

Habitat:Soft bottoms

Max Size:25 cm

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