Paraulopus longianalis Sato, Gomon & Nakabo 2010

Paraulopus longianalis. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC BY Attribution-Noncommercial


Paraulopus longianalis has a deep anal fin in males, a tiny adipose dorsal fin and supraocular ridges extending nearly to the predorsal scales.

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Martin F. Gomon, Paraulopus longianalis in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,

Paraulopus longianalis Sato, Gomon & Nakabo 2010

More Info

Max Length Australia



Endemic to tropical waters of Western Australia from near Port Hedland (18°14’S, 118°11’E) to off Geraldton (28°09’S, 113°17’E) at depths of 150–312 m.


Meristic features: Dorsal fin 11; Anal fin 9-11; Pectoral fin 15-18; Pelvic fin rays 9; Branchiostegal rays 8; Gill rakers 5–8 + 15–17; Lateral line scales (pored) 41-47; Predorsal scales 12; Cheek scale rows 2; Vertebrae 43-46.

Paraulopus longianalis is sexually dimorphic with males having longer pelvic fins (3.7–4.7 vs. 4.2–5.3 in SL) and an enlarged anal fin, the first ray edged with black and with a fine black distal margin (Fig. 2). Females have a completely pale anal fin of a size more typical of other species.


Maximum recorded size 17.3 cm SL.


Body greyish brown with an iridescent midlateral stripe, and yellow to olive spots or blotches dorsally; cheek silvery; operculum dark dorsally, silvery ventrally. Dorsal fin pale with a prominent black tip anteriorly bordering a narrow, distinctive white band. Adipose dorsal fin pale. Anal fin white with a black first ray, three evenly spaced, dorsoposteriorly angled, broad yellow stripes and a fine blackish distal margin (fin uniformly white in females). Caudal fin pale. Pectoral fin transparent. Pelvic fin transparent with dusky distal margin.


IUCN: Not evaluated.

Not listed in Australia.


The species name longianalis is from the Latin longus meaning ‘long’ and analis meaning ‘anal fin’, in reference to the enlarged anal fin in males of this species.


Martin F. Gomon

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37120003

Max Size:17.3 cm SL

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