- Classification
- Paraulopus
- longianalis
Paraulopus longianalis Sato, Gomon & Nakabo 2010

Paraulopus longianalis. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC BY Attribution-Noncommercial
Paraulopus longianalis has a deep anal fin in males, a tiny adipose dorsal fin and supraocular ridges extending nearly to the predorsal scales.
Paraulopus longianalis Sato, Gomon & Nakabo 2010
More Info
Max Length Australia |
173 |
Distribution |
Endemic to tropical waters of Western Australia from near Port Hedland (18°14’S, 118°11’E) to off Geraldton (28°09’S, 113°17’E) at depths of 150–312 m. |
Features |
Meristic features: Dorsal fin 11; Anal fin 9-11; Pectoral fin 15-18; Pelvic fin rays 9; Branchiostegal rays 8; Gill rakers 5–8 + 15–17; Lateral line scales (pored) 41-47; Predorsal scales 12; Cheek scale rows 2; Vertebrae 43-46. Paraulopus longianalis is sexually dimorphic with males having longer pelvic fins (3.7–4.7 vs. 4.2–5.3 in SL) and an enlarged anal fin, the first ray edged with black and with a fine black distal margin (Fig. 2). Females have a completely pale anal fin of a size more typical of other species. |
Size |
Maximum recorded size 17.3 cm SL. |
Colour |
Body greyish brown with an iridescent midlateral stripe, and yellow to olive spots or blotches dorsally; cheek silvery; operculum dark dorsally, silvery ventrally. Dorsal fin pale with a prominent black tip anteriorly bordering a narrow, distinctive white band. Adipose dorsal fin pale. Anal fin white with a black first ray, three evenly spaced, dorsoposteriorly angled, broad yellow stripes and a fine blackish distal margin (fin uniformly white in females). Caudal fin pale. Pectoral fin transparent. Pelvic fin transparent with dusky distal margin. |
Conservation |
IUCN: Not evaluated. Not listed in Australia. |
Etymology |
The species name longianalis is from the Latin longus meaning ‘long’ and analis meaning ‘anal fin’, in reference to the enlarged anal fin in males of this species. |
Author |
Martin F. Gomon |