Gomon's Gurnard, Pterygotrigla gomoni Last & Richards 2012

The holotype of Gomon’s Gurnard, Pterygotrigla gomoni (WAM P 26270–004, 156 mm TL, preserved). Source: William J. Richards. License: CC BY Attribution

A species of Pterygorigla, unique in having a patch of scales on the prepectoral area, and a rather short cleithral spine.

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Bray, D.J. 2018, Pterygotrigla gomoni in Fishes of Australia, accessed 15 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/4808

Gomon's Gurnard, Pterygotrigla gomoni Last & Richards 2012

More Info


Endemic to northern Australia, 230 m northwest of  Beagle Bay, Western Australia, depth 280-320 m.


This species is distinguished by the following characters: a patch of scales on the prepectoral area; scales absent on nape, breast, and interpelvic area; cleithral spine short (9-11% SL); interorbital narrow (6.3-7.9% SL); P112+3.


This species is named after Dr. Martin F. Gomon who has contributed greatly to the understanding of Australian fish systematics, particularly members of the triglid genus Lepidotrigla.

Species Citation

Pterygotrigla gomoni Last & Richards 2012, Zootaxa 3195: 40, figs 1-2. Type locality: Indian Ocean, Western Australia, 230 km north-west of Beagle Bay [15°30’S, 120°58’E].


Bray, D.J. 2018


Australian Faunal Directory

Gomon's Gurnard, Pterygotrigla gomoni Last & Richards 2012


Last, P.R. & Richards, W.J. 2012. Two new gurnards of the genus Pterygotrigla (Scorpaeniformes: Triglidae) from Australian seas. Zootaxa 3195: 39–50.

Richards, W.J. & Yato, T. 2012. The tropical species of the subgenus Pterygotrigla (Pisces: Triglidae: Pterygotrigla) with description of a new species. Zootaxa 3484: 53-64

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37288066

Depth:280-320 m

Max Size:17.4 cm SL


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