Polkadot Waspfish, Ocosia zaspilota Poss & Eschmeyer 1975

Other Names: Polka Dot Waspfish

Polkadot Waspfish, Ocosia zaspilota. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial

Body naked except for lateral-line scales, pelvic fin with 5 rays.

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Bray, D.J. 2022, Ocosia zaspilota in Fishes of Australia, accessed 09 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/5137

Polkadot Waspfish, Ocosia zaspilota Poss & Eschmeyer 1975

More Info


NW of Cape Leveque to north of the Monte Bello Islands, Western Australia. 


Dorsal fin XV, 8; Anal fin III, 5-6; Vertebrae: 28. 
Spines absent from both the lateral surface of the lachrymal and the lateral surface of the first suborbital bone; second and third dorsal-fin spines very elongate in larger specimens. 


Body with large irregular dark brown spots.

Species Citation

Ocosia zaspilota Poss & Eschmeyer 1975, Matsya 1: 9, Figs. 2E, 7. Type locality: Batangas, Balayan Bay, Luzon Island, Philippines, depth 229-247 m.


Bray, D.J. 2022


Atlas of Living Australia

Polkadot Waspfish, Ocosia zaspilota Poss & Eschmeyer 1975


Fricke, R. 2017. Ocosia sphex, a new species of waspfish from New Hanover, Papua New Guinea (Teleostei: Tetrarogidae). Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation 28: 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.854757 

Mandritsa, S.A. & Usachev S.I. 1990. A new species of the genus Ocosia Jordan and Starks (Scorpaeniformes, Tetrarogidae) from the western part of the Indian Ocean. Journal of Ichthyology 30(4): 130-134.

Poss, S.G. & Eschmeyer, W.N. 1975. The Indo-West Pacific scorpionfish genus Ocosia Jordan and Starks (Scorpaenidae, Tetraroginae), with description of three new species. Matsya 1: 1-18.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37287059

Danger:Venomous spines

Depth:174-269 m

Max Size:9 cm SL

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