Blotch-finned Waspfish, Ocosia dorsomaculata Chungthanawong & Motomura 2022

Illustration of a Stoutspine Waspfish, Ocosia apia, from Raoul Island, Kermadec Islands, NMNZ P. 7476. Source: after Paulin (1982) N. Z. J. Zool. 9: Fig. 11. License: All rights reserved

A pale waspfish with 11-15 pale brown to dark brown bars along the lateral line from behind the gill cover to the caudal-fin base,  one to two irregular pale brown to dark brown blotches on the dorsal-fin membrane between the fifth and ninth spines.

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Bray, D.J. 2022, Ocosia dorsomaculata in Fishes of Australia, accessed 09 Feb 2025,

Blotch-finned Waspfish, Ocosia dorsomaculata Chungthanawong & Motomura 2022

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E of Flinders Reefs to off Coolangatta, Queensland. Elsewhere the species occurs in New Caledonia.


Dorsal fin XV-XVII, 7-9; Anal fin III, 5-7; Pectoral fin 12-14; Lateral-line pores 15-20; Gill rakers (total) 9-14; no papillae on the upper and lower lips; presence of supraocular spine, a small lateral lacrimal spine (sometimes absent in specimens larger than 8.78 cm SL) and suborbital spine (sometimes absent in specimens larger than 9.38 cm SL); second dorsal-fin spine length 26.5-42.8% (mean 33.9%) of SL; third dorsal-fin spine shorter or subequal to second spine, its length 74.8-97.9% (83.8%) of D2L; membrane of spinous portion of dorsal fin incised. 

Similar Species

Differs from other species in the genus Ocosia in having the second dorsal-fin spine noticeably elongate relative to the succeeding spines, and a small spine on the lateral face of the lachrymal bone; and in lacking either large spots on the body or stubby papillae on the upper jaw. 


The species is named dorsomaculata for the blotch(es) on the spinous portion of the dorsal fin.

Species Citation

Ocosia dorsomaculata Chungthanawong & Motomura 2022, Zootaxa 5091(3):430, Figs. 1A-C. Type locality: Chesterfield Island, New Caledonia, 22°16'58.8"S, 159°25'01.2"E, depth 315-320 m.


Bray, D.J. 2022


Atlas of Living Australia

Blotch-finned Waspfish, Ocosia dorsomaculata Chungthanawong & Motomura 2022


Last, P.R., Pogonoski, J.J., Gledhill, D.C., et al. 2014. The deepwater demersal ichthyofauna of the western Coral Sea. Zootaxa 3887(2): 191–224 (as Ocosia cf. apia)

Chungthanawong, S. & Motomura, H. 2022. A new species of the waspfish genus Ocosia (Teleostei: Tetrarogidae) from the Coral Sea, with a key to species in the genus. Zootaxa 5091(3): 37-50.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37287824

Danger:Venomous spines

Habitat:Soft sediments

Max Size:12.8 cm SL

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