Stripey, Microcanthus strigatus (Cuvier 1831)
Other Names: Eastern Stripey, Footballer, Western Stripey

A Stripey, Microcanthus strigatus, at the Omeo Wreck, Coogee, Western Australia, December 2018. Source: Ray Turnbull / License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial
A bright yellow deep-bodied fish with a rounded dorsal profile, oblique black stripes along the side extending onto the dorsal and anal fins, and a black stripe from the forehead to just behind the eye. The fifth body stripe is inflected toward the anal fin origin at an angle of 120–150°, and the lower abdomen usually has a broken stripe, as a series of 2–5 spots and short dashes.
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Bray, D.J. 2022, Microcanthus strigatus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 12 Feb 2025,
Stripey, Microcanthus strigatus (Cuvier 1831)
More Info
Distribution |
Cheynes Beach to Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. Elsewhere, the species occurs in the Western-central Pacific: southern Japan, Korea, the eastern coast of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and Hawaii. Inhabits rocky and coral reefs in bays, harbours and coastal waters, sometimes forming large schools - commonly at depths of 10-30 m. Juveniles are often seen in tide pools, and adults often hang around jetty and wharf pylons. |
Features |
Dorsal fin XI,15–17; Anal fin III,13–15; Pectoral fin 15–17; Upper procurrent caudal-fin rays 8–9, lower procurrent caudal-fin rays 7–9; caudal fin total rays 32–35; Diagonal rows of scales in lateral series 48–57; Circumpeduncular scales 26–30; Gill rakers 16–17; branchiostegals 7. Body laterally compressed, moderately tall and roughly circular in lateral view, dorsal-fin origin to pelvic-fin origin 51.9–59.3% SL. |
Feeding |
Feeds on invertebrates and algae. |
Similar Species |
The East-Australian Stripey, Microcanthus joycae, differs in having a relatively straight fifth body stripe, without an inflection, and in lacking spots and short dashes on the breast and lower body. |
Etymology |
The specific name is from the Latin strigatus (= furrowed, grooved, strigate) in reference to the black stripes along the body. |
Species Citation |
Chaetodon strigatus Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1831, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons Vol. 7 25, pl. 170. Type locality: Japan. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2022 |
Resources |
Stripey, Microcanthus strigatus (Cuvier 1831)
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Castelnau, F.L. de 1873. Contribution to the ichthyology of Australia. 8. Fishes of Western Australia. Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria 2: 123-149 (as Neochaetodon vittatum)
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Knudsen, S.W. & Clements, K.D. 2013. Revision of the family Kyphosidae (Teleostei: Perciformes). Zootaxa 3751(1): 1-101.
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Kuiter, R.H. 2002. Butterflyfishes, Bannerfishes and their Relatives. Chorleywood, U.K. : TMC Publishing 208 pp. (as Microcanthus vittatus)
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Tea, Y.K. & Gill, A.C. 2020. Systematic reappraisal of the anti-equatorial fish genus Microcanthus Swainson (Teleostei: Microcanthidae), with redescription and resurrection of Microcanthus joyceae Whitley. Zootaxa 4802(1): 41-60
Tea, Y.‐K., Van Der Wal, C., Ludt, W.B., Gill, A.C., Lo, N. & Ho, S.Y.W. 2019. Boomeranging around Australia: Historical biogeography and population genomics of the anti‐equatorial fish Microcanthus strigatus (Teleostei: Microcanthidae). Molecular Ecology 2019; 15pp.