Okinawa Chromis, Chromis cf okamurai Yamakawa & Randall 1989

A bluish-white chromis with a broad brown stripe along the upper side from the eye to the rear of dorsal-fin base, a pale blue stripe above, a second indistinct brown stripe along the midside ending in a brown bar on the caudal peduncle, bright yellow on the nape and along the upper back and dorsal fin, a bright yellow caudal fin, and a large black spot at the top of the pectoral-fin base. The the anal fin is pale blue.

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Bray, D.J. 2022, Chromis cf okamurai in Fishes of Australia, accessed 12 Sep 2024,

Okinawa Chromis, Chromis cf okamurai Yamakawa & Randall 1989

More Info


Outer Great Barrier Reef, NE of Townsville, Queensland. Elsewhere the species occurs in the north-west Pacific.


Dorsal fin XIV, 13; anal fin II, 12; pectoral fin 18-19; pelvic rays I, 5; total caudal rays 12+11, the first two of upper and lower lobes as short spinules; tubed lateral-line scales 17; pored lateral-line scales on caudal peduncle 7; scales above lateral line to origin of dorsal fin 4; scales below lateral line to origin of anal fin 9; circum-peduncular scales 14; gill rakers 8+19; vertebrae 11+15. Body depth 49.4% SL; orbit diameter 13.6% SL; length of second anal spine greater than 23.5% SL. 


Oblique black stripe from eye to dorsal fin terminus. Second white stripe below, from lower edge of orbit to distal edge of caudal peduncle. Third black stripe from pectoral fin base to middle of caudal peduncle.


The species is named in honour of Dr. Osamu Okamura, Professor of Zoology of Kochi University.

Species Citation

Chromis okamurai Yamakawa & Randall 1989, Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 36(3): 299, Figs. 1-3. Type locality: Okinawa Trough, 25°53.4'N, 123°59.4'E, depth 135-175 m.


Bray, D.J. 2022


Okinawa Chromis, Chromis cf okamurai Yamakawa & Randall 1989


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Yi-Kai Tea, Y-K., Gill, A.C. & Senou, H. 2019. Chromis tingting, A New Species of Damselfish from Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of southern Japan, with Notes on C. mirationis Tanaka (Teleostei: Pomacentridae). Zootaxa. 4586(2); 249–260.

Yamakawa, T. & Randall, J.E. 1989. Chromis okamurai, a new damselfish from the Okinawa Trough, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 36(3): 299-302. Abstract

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37372154

Depth:143 m (AUS)

Habitat:Reef associated

Max Size:~10 cm

Species Maps

CAAB distribution map