Abyssoberyx levisquamosus Merrett & Moore 2005

Paratype of Abyssoberyx levisquamosus (USNM 371440), from NW of the Cape Verde Islands, Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Source: J. Moore / FishBase. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial

A straw colour pricklefish with a dark peritoneum and head region, a pale slate grey orobranchial cavity, and a strikingly golden eye with a reflective tapetum.

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Bray, D.J. 2024, Abyssoberyx levisquamosus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/5733

Abyssoberyx levisquamosus Merrett & Moore 2005

More Info


NW of Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. Elsewhere the species is known from the Eastern North Atlantic and South-western Atlantic.


Dorsal fin I-II, 13-16; Anal fin I-II, 12-13; Pectoral fin 10-14; Pelvic fin 4-6; Caudal fin 19-20; Procurrent rays 9-10/9-11; Gill rakers 13-14 + 1 + 5-7; Vertebrae 10-11 + 21-23 = 32-34.
Body relatively short, robust, greatest depth around level of pectoral fins, three times in SL. Trunk sub-oval in cross-section, as broad as head anteriorly. Dorsal-fin origin in posterior half of body, fin base overlaps anal fin entirely, with two spines and three dorsal rays anterior to anal fin origin. Anus at anal fin origin. Pelvic fin bases approximately midway between level of pectoral and dorsal fins. Caudal peduncle moderate in length, 22–27% LS (inclusive of procurrent rays). Scales thin, smooth, cycloid, deciduous, mostly absent from head (few on preopercle).


Individuals are reportedly sexually mature by 8 cm SL.


The specific name levisquamosus is from the Latin laevis (= smooth) and squamosus (= scaled), in reference to the "smoothness of its scales".

Species Citation

Abyssoberyx levisquamosus Merrett & Moore 2005, Journal of Fish Biology 67(6): 1701, Figs. 1-2. Type locality: Eastern North Atlantic, 20°53.1'N, 31°13.8'W, depth 4480-4565 m.


Bray, D.J. 2024


Atlas of Living Australia

Abyssoberyx levisquamosus Merrett & Moore 2005


Harold, A. 2015. Abyssoberyx levisquamosus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T60469170A60813935. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T60469170A60813935.en. Accessed on 02 October 2024.

Merrett, N.R. & Moore, J.A. 2005. A new genus and species of deep demersal fish (Teleostei: Stephanoberycidae) from the tropical eastern Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology 67(6): 1699-1710. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.2005.00880.x

Mincarone, M.M, Di Dario, F. & Costa, P.A.S. 2014. Deep-sea bigscales, pricklefishes, gibberfishes and whalefishes (Teleostei: Stephanoberycoidei) off Brazil: new records, range extensions for the south-western Atlantic Ocean and remarks on the taxonomy of Poromitra. Journal of Fish Biology 85: 1546-1570. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.12515

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37250001

Conservation:IUCN Data Deficient

Depth:4490-5021 m


Max Size:17 cm SL

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