Yellowspot Goatfish, Parupeneus indicus (Shaw 1803)
Other Names: Indian Goatfish, Indian Goat-fish, Yellow-spot Goatfish

A Yellowspot Goatfish, Parupeneus indicus, at the Cobia Hole, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. Source: Lyle Vail / Lizard Island Field Guide, License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
A pale goatfish with an elongate bright yellow patch on the upper side, a large black spot on the caudal peduncle centred just above the lateral line, and a dusky to dark stripe from the snout, through the eye to the beginning of the lateral line.
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Bray, D.J. 2016, Parupeneus indicus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 12 Mar 2025,
Yellowspot Goatfish, Parupeneus indicus (Shaw 1803)
More Info
Distribution |
North of Carnarvon, Western Australia, to Moreton Bay, Queensland; also Ashmore Reef, Timor Sea, and Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea. Elsewhere the species occurs in the Indo-west-central Pacific from East Africa to the Caroline Islands. Inhabits sandy and silty areas, often amongst seagrass and macroalgae in depths to at least 30 m. |
Colour |
Greenish brown to reddish brown above with dark scale edges, becoming pale pink to whitish below, with a roundish black spot on the caudal peduncle centred just above the lateral line; a large, horizontally elongate yellow spot (sometimes partly white) on the lateral line below the space between the two dorsal fins; white barbels; irregular pale blue lines extending anteroventrally and dorsoposteriorly from eye; second dorsal and anal fins with irregular oblique pale blue lines; caudal fin yellowish grey with faint blue lines paralleling the rays; peritoneum dark brown. |
Species Citation |
Mullus indicus Shaw 1803, General Zoology or systematic natural history. London 4(2): 614. Type locality: Vizagapatam, Indian Seas. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2016 |
Yellowspot Goatfish, Parupeneus indicus (Shaw 1803)
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