Bristle-tail Leatherjacket, Acreichthys tomentosus (Linnaeus 1758)
Other Names: Banded Leather-jacket, Bristletail Filefish, Bristle-tail File-fish, Bristle-tailed Leatherjacket, Matted Leatherjacket

A Bristle-tail Leatherjacket, Acreichthys tomentosus, at Mactan, Cebu, Philippines. Source: Klaus Stiefel / Flickr. License: CC BY Attribution-Noncommercial
A green to brown leatherjacket with irregular darker green to brown blotching, usually with whitish bands or irregular stripes through the eye, on the midside and on the back.
The Bristle-tail Leatherjacket has short skin flaps on the dorsal-fin spine, and scattered skin-flaps on the body. Males have an oblong patch of bristles on the caudal peduncle.
The Bristle-tail Leatherjacket has short skin flaps on the dorsal-fin spine, and scattered skin-flaps on the body. Males have an oblong patch of bristles on the caudal peduncle.
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Bray, D.J. 2020, Acreichthys tomentosus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,
Bristle-tail Leatherjacket, Acreichthys tomentosus (Linnaeus 1758)
More Info
Distribution |
Groote Eylandt, Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory, and the Torres Strait islands to Moreton Bay, Queensland; also Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean. Elsewhere the species occurs in the tropical, east-Indo-west Pacific from Sri Lanka to New Caledonia and Japan. Inhabits sheltered reefs, where it is commonly seen amongst seagrass in depths to 15 m. |
Features |
Dorsal fin II + 26-30; Anal fin 25-29; Pectoral fin 10-13. Origin of first dorsal fin above eye; dorsal profile of head concave; first dorsal-fin spine and pelvic-fin rudiment robust with prominent barbs; males with a well-defined, oblong patch of bristles on the caudal peduncle. |
Feeding |
Feeds on benthic invertebrates such as small crustaceans, polychaete worms and molluscs. |
Etymology |
The specific name is from the Latin tomentosus (= covered in closely matted hairs), presumably in reference to the patch of bristles on the caudal peduncle of males. |
Species Citation |
Balistes tomentosus Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, ed. X(1): 328. Type locality: America (in error). |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2020 |
Resources |
Bristle-tail Leatherjacket, Acreichthys tomentosus (Linnaeus 1758)
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