Genus Paraploactis

Aploactinid fishes with the following combination of characters: 
Head and body densely covered in scales modified to form prickles, an elaborately sculptured head, and in some species a fleshy pad on isthmus;frontal bone with two prominent ridges that diverge posteriorly, forming a pyriform depression between them. 
Dorsal fin originating on cranium over middle to rear of orbit; dorsal-fin membrane between spines 3 and 4 usually deeply incised so that first four spines nearly form a separate fin; dorsal and anal fin spines often flexible and difficult to distinguish from soft rays; all fin rays unbranched. Total dorsal-fin elements 22-24; with 13-15 spines and 8-10 soft rays. Anal fin with 1 spine (rarely 2) and 7-10 soft rays; total elements 8-11. Pectoral-fin rays 13-14, usually 14, all unbranched. Pelvic-fin rays 1 + 3. 
Head and body densely covered with prickly scales, larger scales above lateral line behind head. Lateral-line scales, particularly anteriorly, as prominent  knobs, total 11-15. 
Minute villiform teeth in jaws; palatine teeth absent; vomerine teeth sometimes absent or reduced. Gill rakers as blunt knobs, 6-11 total; 0-1 on upper arch, 5-9 on lower arch. Head with blunt, obtuse spines. 
Author: Bray, D.J. 2019

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Bray, D.J. 2019, Paraploactis in Fishes of Australia, accessed 15 Feb 2025,


Poss, S.G. & Eschmeyer, W.N. 1978. Two new Australian velvetfishes, genus Paraploactis (Scorpaeniformes : Aploactinidae) with a revision of the genus and comments on the genera and species of the Aploactinidae. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 41(18): 401-426 figs 1-14 See ref at BHL