Genus Heraldia


A monotypic genus confined to southern Australia. Heraldia nocturna has the following characteristics: body moderately elongate with a shallow trunk; head aligned with body; snout of moderate length; opercles with complete longitudinal ridge and with supplemental ridges radiating above and below; posterior angles of rings somewhat elevated and produced to spine‑like points; STR and STAR discontinuous near rear of dorsal fin base; ITR and ITAR discontinuous; LTR confluent with LTAR and STAR; eggs brooded on open undersurface of trunk, tail not prehensile; dorsal fin closer to tip of tail than head, with base of moderate length; anal fin small, below rear half of dorsal fin; caudal fin large, membranes broad and deeply incised between protruding tips of fin rays; pectoral fins present.

Author: Martin F. Gomon & Dianne J. Bray

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Martin F. Gomon & Dianne J. Bray, Heraldia in Fishes of Australia, accessed 11 Feb 2025,


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