Alfonsino, Beryx splendens Lowe 1833

Other Names: Alfonsin, Lowe's Beryx, Slender Alfonsino, Slender Beryx, Splendid Alfonsino

An Alfonsino, Beryx splendens, collected during the 2003 NORFANZ expedition to survey seamounts in the Tasman Sea. Source: Robin McPhee / NORFANZ Founding Parties. License: All rights reserved


A moderately slender bright red alfonsino, with a silvery-pink belly, a red iris, and bright red fins. The anal fin originates below or behind the rear of the dorsal fin.

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Alfonsino, Beryx splendens Lowe 1833

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Coral Sea, Queensland, around southern Australia, to off Rowley Shoals, Western Australia; also on the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk Ridge in the Tasman Sea. Elsewhere, the species is worldwide between 62ºN and 42ºS; absent from the NE Pacific.

Alfonsinos aggregate over the outer continental shelf and slope, often around seamounts, ridges and rises in association with deep-sea coral habitats. They are benthopelagic during the day, and make forays above the bottom to feed at night on mesopelagic fishes and crustaceans. Larvae and juveniles are pelagic at depths of 50-200m.


Dorsal fin III-IV, 12-15; Anal fin IV, 25-30; Caudal fin 19; Pectoral fin 15-19; Pelvic fin I, 9-13; Lateral line scales (to end of caudal fin) 69-82; Scales above lateral line 9.

Body oval, moderately deep, compressed, depth 33-40% SL (standard length), equal to or slightly more than head length. Head large, eye very large, diameter 40-42% HL; mouth reaching to below middle of eye.

Anal-fin origin below rear part of dorsal fin base. First dorsal-fin rays sometimes elongate in small specimens.


Head and body bright red above, becoming silvery-pink below; iris of eye and fins bright red.


Often forms dense schools to feed on fishes, crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs.


The Alfonsino is an egg-layer (oviparous) and a serial spawner. The eggs are buoyant and hatch after 8 days. The larvae remain in the plankton for several months before settling on shallow seamounts. The species reportedly lives for more than 20 years.


Commercially important in many parts of its range, and taken with long-lines and in commercial trawls. A popular food fish around the world.


The specific name is from the Latin splendens (= shining, glittering) presumably in reference to the bright silvery-reddish colour of this species.

Species Citation

Beryx splendens Lowe, 1833, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1: 142. Type locality: Madeira.


Bray, D.J. 2020


Atlas of Living Australia

Alfonsino, Beryx splendens Lowe 1833


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Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37258002

Conservation:IUCN Least Concern

Depth:25-1300m (usually below 150m)

Fishing:Fished commercially

Habitat:Continental slope, seamounts

Max Size:50 cm FL; 60 cm TL

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