Western Leg Skate, Sinobatis bulbicauda Last & Séret 2008

Other Names: West Australian Legskate

A Western Leg Skate, Sinobatis bulbicauda. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial

A pale pinkish brown leg skate with a uniformly pale underside.

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Dianne J. Bray, Sinobatis bulbicauda in Fishes of Australia, accessed 16 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/1760

Western Leg Skate, Sinobatis bulbicauda Last & Séret 2008

More Info


Found on the outer continental shelf and slopes off Western Australia and eastern Indonesia. In Australia, known from west of Gantheaume Bay, Western Australia (27°49'S, 113°01'E), northwards to off Ashmore Reef in the Timor Sea (13°25'S, 122°54'E).


Disc moderate-sized, width at anterior orbit 5.2-7.8 times mouth width; tail moderately elongate to short, its postcloacal length 79-170% of disc length; eyes relatively large, orbit diameter 4.7-8.8 in horizontal snout length, 6.7-10.6 in head length; distal portion of tail expanded laterally in specimens exceeding about 28 cm TL (130 mm DW), width of tail near tip 1.3-2.2 times tail width at its midlength; pectoral-fin radials 66-71; moderate-sized pelvic fins, anterior lobe 12.1-18.1% TL; anterior pelvic-fin lobe rather broad-based, width 1.7-3.2 in distance between pelvic-fin origins; caudal fin rudimentary; tooth rows 20-28, in each jaw of adults; with teeth of adult males with greatly elongated conical cusps; 25-31 abdominal vertebral centra; 148-171 total centra.


Female 56.0 cm TL, Male 43.3 cm TL.


Very little is known about the population size and biology of this species.


Taken occasionally as bycatch in commercial trawls.


The specific name bulbicauda is from the Latin ‘bulbus’ (swelling) and ‘cauda’ (tail or appendage) in reference to the flattened expansion of the tail near its tip.

Species Citation

Sinobatis bulbicauda Last & Séret 2008, Zootaxa 1671: 37, figs 1, 3-5, 11, 13. Type locality: west of Cape Farquhar, WA [23°44'S, 112°35'E], ♂.


Dianne J. Bray


Australian Faunal Directory

Western Leg Skate, Sinobatis bulbicauda Last & Séret 2008


Duryea, J. & Ebert, D.A. 2012. Sinobatis bulbicauda. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T195477A2382427. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T195477A2382427.en . Downloaded on 19 October 2015.

Last, P.R. & Compagno, L.J.V. 1999. Families Rajidae, Arhynchobatidae, Anacanthobatidae. pp. 1452-1466 in Carpenter, K.E. & Niem, V.H. (eds). The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fisheries Purposes. Rome : FAO Vol. 3 pp. 1397-2068. (p. 1466, as Anacanthobatis sp. A)

Last, P.R. & Séret, B. 2008. Three new legskates of the genus Sinobatis (Rajoidei: Anacanthobatidae) from the Indo-West Pacific. Zootaxa 1671: 33-58. 

Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 1994. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Canberra : CSIRO Australia 513 pp. 84 pls. (p. 358 as Anacanthobatis sp. A.)

Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37033001

Conservation:IUCN Data Deficient

Depth:150–1125 m

Habitat:Bottom dweller

Max Size:56 cm TL

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