Bluespotted Fantail Ray, Taeniura lymma (Forsskål 1775)
A Bluespotted Fantail Ray, Taeniura lymma - Malaysia. Source: William T. White. License: All rights reserved
On the rising tide, large schools of Bluespotted Fantail Rays often forage over shallow sandy areas, seagrass habitats and rubble mudflats, feeding on invertebrates including molluscs, polychaete worms, crabs and shrimps.
Bluespotted Fantail Ray, Taeniura lymma (Forsskål 1775)
More Info
Distribution |
Known in Australian waters from Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales. Elsewhere, widespread in the Indo-West-Central Pacific. |
Features |
Snout rounded, angular; disc with broadly rounded outer corners, with denticles along the middle of the back in adults, thorns absent; tail stout, tapering, less than twice body length, with a broad lower caudal finfold reaching the tail tip; usually two medium-sized venomous spines well back on the tail. |
Size |
Colour |
Feeding |
Biology |
Reproductive mode - aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous) with the developing embryos initially feeding on yolk, then absorbing uterine "milk" produced by the mother. Females produce up to seven young per litter, and the young are born with the characteristic blue spots. |
Fisheries |
Commonly caught byartisinal and small commercial fisheries around coral reefs in many parts of its range. Also traded in the aquarium industry, although Bluespotted Fantail Rays seldom thrive in captivity. |
Conservation |
Threatened in many parts of the world by overfishing and the destruction of reef habitats. |
Remarks |
Similar Species |
Differs from the Bluespotted Maskray, Neotrygon kuhlii, by its more angular disc, more slender tail, electric blue spots on the body and blue stripes along each side of the tail. |
Etymology |
Species Citation |
Raja lymma Forsskål 1775, Descriptiones animalium: 17. Type locality: Luhaiya, Yemen (as Lohaja), Red Sea. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2017 |
Bluespotted Fantail Ray, Taeniura lymma (Forsskål 1775)
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