Whitefin Chimaera, Chimaera argiloba Last, White & Pogonoski 2008
Other Names: Whitefin Chimaera
Whitefin Chimaera, Chimaera argiloba. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC BY Attribution-Noncommercial
This shortnose chimaera has a relatively long snout, and a very tall dorsal spine, with deciduous skin. Similar in appearance to C.phantasma, it can be distinguished by a different body shape and a lack of dark stripes. Males have distincly large bifurcated claspers that have bulbous ends. Despite its abundance throughout its range, very little is known of its biology.
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Matt B. Reardon & Dianne J. Bray, Chimaera argiloba in Fishes of Australia, accessed 08 Dec 2024, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/2661