Spotted Shovelnose Ray,
Aptychotrema timorensis
Last 2004
Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. & Kailola, P.J. 1984.
Trawled Fishes of Southern Indonesia and Northwest Australia. Jakarta : Dir. Gen. Fish. (Indonesia), German Tech. Coop., Aust. Dev. Ass. Bur. 406 pp. (as
Aptychotrema sp.)
Last, P.R. 2004.
Rhinobatos sainsburyi n.sp. and
Aptychotrema timorensis n.sp. —two new shovelnose rays (Batoidea: Rhinobatidae) from the Eastern Indian Ocean.
Records of the Australian Museum 56(2): 201-208 DOI:
10.3853/j.0067-1975.56.2004.1415Last, P.R., Kyne, P.M. & Sherman, C.S. 2015.
Aptychotrema timorensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T60179A68609203. Downloaded on 10 January 2018.
Last, P.R. & Séret, B.. 2016. 12 Banjo Rays Family Trygonorrhinidae (pp. 117-126),
in Last, P.R., White, W.T., de Carvalho, M.R., Séret, B., Stehmann, M.F.W. & Naylor, G.J.P. (eds)
Rays of the World. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing, 800 pp.
Last, P.R., Séret, B. & Naylor, G.J.P. 2016. A new species of guitarfish,
Rhinobatos borneensis sp. nov. with a redefinition of the family-level classification in the order Rhinopristiformes (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea).
Zootaxa 4117(4): 451-475, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 1994.
Sharks and Rays of Australia. Canberra : CSIRO Australia 513 pp. 84 pls. (as
Aptychotrema sp. A)
Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009.
Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.
Sainsbury, K.J., Kailola, P.J. & Leyland, G.G. 1984.
Continental Shelf Fishes of Northern and North-Western Australia. Canberra : Fisheries Information Service 375 pp. figs & pls. (as
Aptychotrema sp. 2)