Green Sawfish, Pristis zijsron Bleeker 1851

Other Names: Dindagubba, Green Saw-fish, Longcomb Sawfish, Narrowsnout Sawfish, Narrow-snouted Sawfish

A Green Sawfish, Pristis zijsron, in the Sydney Sea Life Aquarium. Source: Giverny / iNaturalist. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial


This large robust sawfish is critically endangered globally.

  • Gill openings on the underside
  • Teeth unevenly-spaced, commencing near base of rostrum: 24-28 pairs
  • Origin of dorsal fin slightly behind pelvic fin origin 
  • Lower lobe of caudal fin very short
  • Greenish-brown above, underside white; fins may be slightly paler.
  • Green Sawfish at Onslow, Western Australia
  • A Green Sawfish (aka Long Comb Sawfish) on a stereo-BRUV in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
  • Video of a Green Sawfish in the Denver Aquarium.
  • A Green Sawfish in the Ocean Voyager Gallery at the Georgia Aquarium, USA.

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    Bray, D.J. 2017, Pristis zijsron in Fishes of Australia, accessed 22 Jan 2025,

    Green Sawfish, Pristis zijsron Bleeker 1851

    More Info


    Widespread across northern Australia, from about Eighty Mile Beach, Western Australia, to the Cairns region, Queensland. Historically, individuals were taken as far south as Sydney, New South Wales. Elsewhere, the species occurs in the tropical Indo-west Pacific. Historically, the species was widespread in the Indo-West Pacific from southern Africa to Australia and Taiwan, including the Red Sea, Persian (Arabian) Gulf and some of the Indian Ocean islands. 

    Green Sawfish inhabit coastal marine and estuarine waters, with adults more common offshore in depths to >70 metres. Significant pupping grounds have been identified in the southern Pilbara region of Western Australia.


    Feeds mostly on bony fishes and crustaceans, stunning and killing their prey with the saw-like rostrum.


    The life history of the Green Sawfish is poorly known.


    Populations have historically been affected by inshore commercial net and trawl fisheries throughout most of the distribution range, resulting in population declines.


  • EPBC Act 1999 : Vulnerable
  • IUCN Red List : Critically Endangered
  • NSW Fisheries Management Act 1994: Endangered
  • CITES Listed : Appendix I
  • Throughout its range, the Green Sawfish has historically been targeted or taken as incidental bycatch in commercial and recreational fisheries. The rostrum with the large teeth is easily entangled in nets, including in shark control nets. Captured sawfish are retained in many parts of the world due to the high value of their fins, rostrum and meat. Green Sawfish are fully protected in Australia.
  • Author

    Bray, D.J. 2017

    Green Sawfish, Pristis zijsron Bleeker 1851


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  • Quick Facts

    CAAB Code:37025001

    Conservation:IUCN Critically Endangered; EPBC Act Vulnerable

    Depth:0-70 m

    Habitat:Coastal marine. estuarine

    Max Size:730 cm TL

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