Philippine Spurdog, Squalus montalbani Whitley 1931

Other Names: Indonesian Greeneye Spurdog

Philippine Spurdog, Squalus montalbani. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: All rights reserved


A medium sized dogfish with a broad, pointed snout. Dorsal surfaces and flanks grey, with pale ventral surfaces. A short caudal fin with a distinctive dark marginal bar above the posterior notch. Very similar to Squalus chloroculus but differing in that it has slightly larger dorsal fins and a shorter pre-dorsal length.

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Bray D.J. & Wood D.R. 2018, Squalus montalbani in Fishes of Australia, accessed 13 Feb 2025,

Philippine Spurdog, Squalus montalbani Whitley 1931

More Info


West of Rottnest Island (32°02'S) to the Timor Sea  (124°58'E), Western Australia, and east of Flinders Reef, Queensland (17°38'S) to east of Terrigal, New South Wales (33°28'S); tropical, west Pacific.


Medium sized dogfish with a broad, pointed snout. A short caudal fin with a dark marginal bar above the posterior notch. Prominent dorsal fin spines, similar blade like teeth in the Upper and Lower jaw and an absence of white spots.


A viviparous (aplacental) species. Males mature at 56 cm


Bray D.J. & Wood D.R. 2018

Philippine Spurdog, Squalus montalbani Whitley 1931


Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.

Rigby, CL, Daley, RK & Simpfendorfer, CA. 2015. Comparison of life histories of two deep-water sharks from eastern Australia: the piked spurdog and the Philippine spurdog. Marine and Freshwater Research - Abstract

White, W.T. 2009. Squalus montalbani. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T161404A5416602. Downloaded on 17 October 2015.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37020047

Biology:Live bearer

Conservation:IUCN Vulnerable

Depth:295-670 m

Max Size:91 cm TL

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