Graham’s Red Deepwater Scorpionfish, Lythrichthys grahami Wada, Kai & Motomura 2021

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Bray, D.J. 2021, Lythrichthys grahami in Fishes of Australia, accessed 11 Feb 2025,

Graham’s Red Deepwater Scorpionfish, Lythrichthys grahami Wada, Kai & Motomura 2021

More Info


Off Broken Bay to off Shoalhaven Heads, New South Wales; also the Norfolk Ridge in the Tasman Sea (in AUS EEZ). Elsewhere the species occurs off Fiji.


The species is named in honour of Mr. Alastair Graham (CSIRO), Fish Collection Manager, Australian National Fish Collection. 


Bray, D.J. 2021

Graham’s Red Deepwater Scorpionfish, Lythrichthys grahami Wada, Kai & Motomura 2021


Wada, H., Kai, Y. & Motomura, H. 2021. Revision of the resurrected deepwater scorpionfish genus Lythrichthys Jordan and Starks 1904 (Setarchidae), with descriptions of two new species. Ichthyological Research 68: 373–403

Quick Facts

Depth:421-754 m

Habitat:Reef associated

Max Size:15 cm SL

Species Maps

CAAB distribution map