Blacktip Cucumberfish, Paraulopus nigripinnis (Günther 1878)

Other Names: Cucumber Fish, Greeneyes

Blacktip Cucumberfish, Paraulopus nigripinnis. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC BY Attribution-ShareAlike


Little is known of the biology of Cucumber fish. It is a deep water species occurring at depths from 65 to approximately 600m.

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Tara Hicks, Paraulopus nigripinnis in Fishes of Australia, accessed 19 May 2024,

Blacktip Cucumberfish, Paraulopus nigripinnis (Günther 1878)

More Info

Max Length Australia



Coastal and offshore waters of Southern Australia, from Cape Cuvier (WA) to Port Stephens (NSW) including Tasmania. This species has also been recorded off New Zealand. 


Meristic features: Dorsal fin 11; adipose fin. Anal fin 9, Caudal fin 19, Pectoral fin 16, Pelvic fin 9, Lateral line scales, 50-53

Body slender (depth approx. 18% SL), tapering posteriorly; sides rounded; anus slightly closer to ventral fin bases than to origin of anal fin, separated from former by about seven scales. Head moderately large (approx. 29% SL); eyes very large, positioned dorsolaterally; mouth large, maxillae extending back to below the eyes; teeth villiform, narrow band in each jaw, on vomer and palatines. Scales cycloid; lateral line midlaterally on side. Two dorsal fins, first large, short based, high, centred on body; second dorsal small, adipose, above anal fin; anal fin with short base, midway between ventral and caudal fin; caudal fin deeply forked, upper lobe slightly longer than lower. Pectoral fins large, positioned laterally. Ventral fins large, slightly behind base of pectoral fins.


Can reach a length of 280mm


Greenish above, silver-yellow below; sides of head silvery; eyes green; tips of first dorsal and caudal fins black. Young with bluish blotches on sides.


Formally regarded as a species of Greeneye (Chlorophthalmus)


Species Citation

Chlorophthalmus nigripinnis Gunther 1878 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5)2(8): 182, off Twofold Bay, NSW.


Tara Hicks

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CAAB Code:37120001

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