Genus Phycodurus


A seadragon genus found only in southern Australia, with the single species, Phycodurus eques.

Body elongate, highly contorted, trunk deep in adults; head directed at right angle to body; snout long, compressed, with 1–2 short lateral spines; median dorsal snout ridge inconspicuous; opercle finely striate.

Superior body ridges with 13–14, single or bilaterally paired, broad spines, with 3 pairs of similar spines on inferior trunk ridges and 3 pairs of short broad‑based spines on inferior tail ridges; ventral midline of most trunk rings with long, slender, somewhat moveable spine; principal spines of head and body usually tipped with complex, leaf‑like, dermal flaps; STR and STAR discontinuous near rear of dorsal‑fin base; ITR and ITAR discontinuous; LTR confluent with LTAR and STAR.

Eggs brooded on the open undersurface of the tail just behind the anal fin; tail prehensile; dorsal fin much closer to tip of tail than snout, with moderately elongate base; anal fin very small, below front half of dorsal fin; caudal fin absent; pectoral fins present.

Author: Martin F. Gomon & Dianne J. Bray

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Martin F. Gomon & Dianne J. Bray, Phycodurus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,


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