Sailfin Shrimpgoby, Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene 1978

Other Names: Randall's Shrimpgoby, Sail-fin Shrimp-goby

A Sailfin Shrimpgoby, Amblyeleotris randalli, at Mactan, Central Visayas, Philippines. Source: Klaus Stiefel / Flickr: pacificklaus. License: CC BY Attribution-Noncommercial

Body whitish with 7 thin orange bars along the head and body, small pale spots and a large black ocellus on the first dorsal fin.
Video of a Sailfingoby with the alpheid shrimp Alpheus bellulus.
Video of a Sailfingoby at Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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Bray, D.J. 2019, Amblyeleotris randalli in Fishes of Australia, accessed 19 Jan 2025,

Sailfin Shrimpgoby, Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene 1978

More Info


Great Barrier Reef off Cairns, Queensland, and Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea. Elsewhere the species occurs in the western-central Pacific.

Species Citation

Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene 1978, Records of the Western Australian Museum 6(4): 382, figs 1-3. Type locality: Sumilon Island, Philippines.


Bray, D.J. 2019


Australian Faunal Directory

Sailfin Shrimpgoby, Amblyeleotris randalli Hoese & Steene 1978


Allen, G.R. 1997. Marine Fishes of Tropical Australia and South-east Asia. Perth : Western Australian Museum 292 pp. 106 pls. 

Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V. 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth : Tropical Reef Research 3 vols, 1260 pp.

Hoese, D.F. & Steene, R. 1978. Amblyeleotris randalli, a new species of gobiid fish living in association with alphaeid shrimps. Records of the Western Australian Museum 6(4): 379-389 figs 1-3 See ref online, open access

Kuiter, R.H. 1992. Tropical Reef-Fishes of the Western Pacific, Indonesia and Adjacent Waters. Jakarta : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama 314 pp. pls. 

Randall, J.E. 2005. Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press 707 pp. 

Randall, J.E., Allen, G.R. & Steene, R. 1997. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Bathurst : Crawford House Press 557 pp. figs.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37428041

Behaviour:Shares burrows with alpheid shrimps

Depth:5-48 m

Fishing:Aquarium fish

Habitat:Reef associated

Max Size:11 cm TL

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CAAB distribution map