Endo’s Anglerfish, Lophiodes endoi Ho & Shao 2008

Endo's Goosefish, Lophiodes endoi - Holotype ASIZP 63175. Source: Ho, Hsuan-Ching / Academia Sinica. License: All rights reserved

A pale brow goosefish with numerous medium-sized, diffuse light blue or grey spots and patches, and darker patches associated with head spines and upper jaw, and a pale margin on the pectoral fin. The ilicium is long, and the esca is bulb-like, without cirri, and darker at the base and paler at the tip. 

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Bray, D.J. 2021, Lophiodes endoi in Fishes of Australia, accessed 19 Feb 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/Home/species/2698

Endo’s Anglerfish, Lophiodes endoi Ho & Shao 2008

More Info


Known in Australian waters from NW of Cape Leveque, Western Australia, and off Wollongong, New South Wales, to southeast of Gabo Island, Victoria; also on the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea. Elsewhere in the tropical and subtropical, West-Pacific: Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan and New Caledonia.


Esca rounded with paler tip; third dorsal-fin spine bearing a pair of black tendrils located at two-thirds of illicial length; 18–22 (mainly 20–21) pectoral fin rays; a relatively short head (33.4–39.6% SL); a relatively short illicium (16.5–26.7% SL); a relatively short third dorsal spine (30.0–42.3% SL); fifth dorsal spine relatively long, when folded back reaching base of third dorsal fin ray, and anterior frontal spine enlarged (Ref. 79601).
Tail cylindrical, somewhat depressed, tapering posteriorly; eye large; gill openings extending in front of pectoral fins; both maxilla and frontal ridge smooth, without knobs; frontal divided into three spines, anterior one enlarged, directed forward, sometimes divided into two sub-spines; sphenotic with two spines, inner spine well developed, straight and directed upward; inner frontal spine present in specimens smaller than 300 mm and reduced in specimens larger than 300 mm; single interopercular spine; parietal spine present at either side of third dorsal spine base, reduced in larger specimens; hyomandibula with two spines, anterior spine smaller, becoming blunt with three knobs in larger specimens; humeral spine well developed with three to four spines. All dorsal fin spines, except for the third, devoid of tendrils; second to sixth dorsal spines bearing a tiny dark bulb at tip in most specimens; illicium lightly pigmented, relatively short (16.5–26.7% SL), when folded back reaching third dorsal spine base, reaching sphenotic spines in larger specimens; esca a rounded bulb, slightly darker than illicium, tip pale; second dorsal spine slightly longer than illicium, when folded back reaching between third dorsal spine base and end of neurocranium; third dorsal spine relatively short (30.0–42.3% SL), bearing one pair of darkly pigmented tendrils at about two-thirds its length, when folded back reaches third dorsal fin ray base, reaching origin of soft dorsal fin in larger specimens; fourth dorsal spine absent; fifth dorsal spine relatively long, when folded back reaching base of third dorsal fin ray, reaching origin of soft dorsal fin in larger specimens; sixth dorsal spine very short, when folded back not reaching origin of dorsal fin, embedded under skin in larger specimens. Anal fin extending beyond caudal fin base in smaller specimens, reaching caudal fin base in larger specimens (Ref. 79601).


Pale brown above with many medium-sized, diffuse light blue to grey patches; illicium paler; esca darker at base and paler at tip; some darker patches associated with head spines and upper jaw; pectoral fin margin pale, dorsal surface with some diffuse pale blue spots (Ho & Shao 2008).


The species is named in honour of Dr. Hiromitsu Endo, Associate Professor of Faculty of Science, Kochi University.

Species Citation

Lophiodes endoi Ho & Shao, 2008, Ichthyol. Res. 55: 367–373.


Bray, D.J. 2021


Atlas of Living Australia

Endo’s Anglerfish, Lophiodes endoi Ho & Shao 2008


Ho, H.-C., Kawai, T., Wudianto & Satria, F. 2016. Records of anglerfishes (Actinopterygii: Lophiiformes: Lophiidae) from Indonesia. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 46(2): 77-85. DOI: 10.3750/AIP2016.46.2.03

Ho, H.-C., Séret, B. & Shao, K.-T. 2011. Records of anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae) from the western South Pacific Ocean, with descriptions of two new species. Journal of Fish Biology 79(7): 1722–1745. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.03106.x

Ho, H.-C. & K.-T. Shao 2008. A new species of anglerfish (Lophiidae: Lophiodes) from the western Pacific. Ichthyological Research 55: 367–373. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10228-008-0057-y

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37208007

Depth:288-520 m

Habitat:Benthic, continental shelf

Max Size:38 cm SL

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