Blueband Whiptail, Coelorinchus matamua (McCann & McKnight 1980)

Coelorinchus-matamua. Source: Coelorinchus-matamua. License:
Blueband Whiptail, Coelorinchus matamua (McCann & McKnight 1980)
More Info
Distribution |
Circumglobal in temperate waters off Australia, New Zealand, southern Africa and the southern tip of South America; benthopelagic on the continental slope at depths between 450-1000 m. |
Features |
D II, 8-10; P 16-19; V 7; GR 11-13; PC 18-34 |
Size |
A large species reaching a total length of 65 cm. |
Colour |
Head dark, trunk encircled by prominent dark violet to bluish band, tail pale to dusky; fins mostly black, posterior half to two-thirds of anal fin pale to dusky; mouth and gill cavities pale, lips and gill membranes black. |
Feeding |
Carnivorous on fishes (myctophids) and invertebrates such as decapod crustaceans. |
Fisheries |
Of minor commercial importance, and frequently taken as bycatch in by trawlers fishing in deepwater off Tasmania; also abundant in continental slope waters off southern Africa. |
Conservation |
Not assessed. |
Species Citation |
Mahia matamua McCann & McKnight, 1980, Mem. N.Z. Oceanogr. Inst. 61: 53, figs. 36-38, off Gisborne, New Zealand. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. & G. Frankham |
Blueband Whiptail, Coelorinchus matamua (McCann & McKnight 1980)
Iwamoto, T. & P.J. McMillan. 2008. Macrouridae. In Gomon, M.F., D.J. Bray & R.H. Kuiter. Fishes of Australia’s Southern Coast. New Holland Publishers & Museum Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. 1-928p.
Iwamoto, T. & Williams, A. 1999. Grenadiers (Pisces, Gadiformes) from the continental slope of western and northwestern Australia. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 51(3): 105-243, figs. 1-58.
McCann, C. & McKnight, D.G. 1980. The marine fauna of New Zealand: macrourid fishes. (Pisces : Gadida). Mem. N.Z. Oceanogr. Inst. 61: 1-91, figs. 1-69.