Pale Sandburrower, Chalixodytes tauensis Schultz 1943
Other Names: Pale Sand-diver, Saddled Sandburrower

Illustration of the holotype of the Pale Sandburrower, Chalixodytes tauensis. Source: Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Division of Fishes. License: CC BY Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike
A translucent whitish sand burrower with about 16 darker saddles along the back.
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Bray, D.J. 2017, Chalixodytes tauensis in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,
Pale Sandburrower, Chalixodytes tauensis Schultz 1943
More Info
Distribution |
Inhabits sandy areas on shallow exposed seaward reefs and sandy shorelines, in depths to 10 m. |
Features |
Dorsal fin 35-40; Anal fin 36-40; Pectoral fin 12-14; Pelvic fin I, 4; Caudal fin (branched rays) 7-8; Lateral line scales 55-59; Median predorsal scales ~18. Body elongate, depth 11-15.5 in SL; dorsal-fin origin above anal-fin origin. |
Species Citation |
Chalixodytes tauensis Schultz 1943, Bull. U. S. Natl Mus. 180: 263, fig. 24. Type locality: Reef of Tau Island at Siulagi Point, American Samoa. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2017 |
Resources |
Pale Sandburrower, Chalixodytes tauensis Schultz 1943
Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V. 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth : Tropical Reef Research 3 vols, 1260 pp.
Allen, G.R. & Smith-Vaniz, W.F. 1994. Fishes of Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 412: 1-21.
Allen, G.R., Steene, R.C. & Orchard, M. 2007. Fishes of Christmas Island. Christmas Island : Christmas Island Natural History Association 2 edn, 284 pp.
Hobbs, J-P.A., Newman, S.J., Mitsopoulos, G.E.A., Travers, M.J., Skepper, C.L., Gilligan, J.J., Allen, G.R., Choat, H.J. & Ayling, A.M. 2014. Checklist and new records of Christmas Island fishes: the influence of isolation, biogeography and habitat availability on species abundance and community composition. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 30: 184–202.
Hobbs, J-P.A., Newman, S .J., Mitsopoulos, G.E.A., Travers, M.J., Skepper, C.L., Gilligan, J.J., Allen, G.R., Choat, H.J. & Ayling, A.M. 2014. Fishes of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands: new records, community composition and biogeographic significance. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 30: 203–219.
Nelson, J., Matsuura, K., Collette, B., Dooley, J., Fritzsche, R. & Carpenter, K. 2010. Chalixodytes tauensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010: e.T155001A4690413. Downloaded on 15 February 2017.