Common name: Freshwater Perches


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Freshwater Perches, PERCIDAE in Fishes of Australia, accessed 19 Feb 2025,

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Family Taxonomy

The freshwater perches have not been reviewed comprehensively. Collette & Banarescu (1977) summarized the systematics and zoogeography of the family at the subgeneric level and above. McDowall (1980) and Merrick & Schmida (1984) described the single, introduced species found in Australia. More than 150 species are known.

Family Distribution

The family has a native distribution in the fresh waters of the Northern Hemisphere, above 23'N in North America and above 38'N in Europe and Asia. The Redfin was introduced into Tasmania and Victoria in the 1860s.

Family Description

Perches have strong spines in the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins.  The European or English percb (or Redfin as it is known in Australia) has 13-17 spines in the first dorsal fin.

Family Size

The Redfin can reach 50 cm.

Family Feeding

Recorded food items include crustaceans, insect larvae, worms, molluscs and other fishes.

Family Commercial

The Redfin is prized as a sporting fish in Europe, but less so in Australia.


Collette, B.B. & Banarescu, P. (1977). Systematics and zoogeography of the fishes of the family Percidae. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 34(10): 1450–1463 figs 1–27

McDowall, R.M. (1980). Family Percidae.  pp. 158–159 1 fig in McDowall, R.M. (ed.) Freshwater Fishes of South-eastern Australia.  Sydney : A.H. & A.W. Reed 208 pp. figs

Merrick, J.R. & Schmida, G.E. (1984). Australian Freshwater Fishes Biology and Management.  Sydney : J.R. Merrick 409 pp. figs 280 col. Figs