Cobbler Wobbegong, Sutorectus tentaculatus (Peters 1864)

Other Names: Cobbler Carpet Shark, Cobbler Carpetshark, Sombre Carpet Shark

A Cobbler Wobbegong, Sutorectus tentaculatus, at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Source: Rick Stuart-Smith / Reef Life Survey. License: CC BY Attribution


A wobbegong with unbranched dermal lobes on the head, rows of warty tubercles along the back, and black spots on the body and fins.

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Bray, D.J. 2018, Sutorectus tentaculatus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 22 Jan 2025,

Cobbler Wobbegong, Sutorectus tentaculatus (Peters 1864)

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Gulk St Vincent, South Australia, to the Houtamn Abrolhos islands, Western Australia.


Bray, D.J. 2018

Cobbler Wobbegong, Sutorectus tentaculatus (Peters 1864)


Compagno, L.J.V. 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Sharks of the World. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125. Rome : FAO Vol. 4(1) pp. 1-249.

Compagno, L.J.V. 2001. Sharks of the World. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Rome : FAO, FAO Species Catalogue for Fisheries Purposes No. 1 Vol. 2 269 pp.

Compagno, L.J.V., Dando, M. & Fowler, S. 2005. A Field Guide to the Sharks of the World. London : Collins 368 pp.

Hutchins, J.B. & Thompson, M. 1983. The Marine and Estuarine Fishes of South-western Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum 103 pp. 345 figs

Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 1994. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Canberra : CSIRO Australia 513 pp. 84 pls

Last, P.R. & Stevens, J.D. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Australia 2, 550 pp.

Michael, S.W. 1993. Reef sharks and rays of the world. A guide to their identification, behavior, and ecology. Sea Challengers, Monterey, California. 107 pp.

Stevens, J.D. 1994. Families Echinorhinidae, Squalidae, Oxynotidae, Parascyllidae, Orectolobidae. pp. 91-118 figs 28-73 in Gomon, M.F., Glover, C.J.M. & Kuiter, R.H (eds). The Fishes of Australia's South Coast. Adelaide : State Printer 992 pp. 810 figs

Waite, E.R. 1921. Illustrated Catalogue of the Fishes of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia : G. Hassell & Son; Fig.17 (as Orectolobus tentaculatus)

White, W. 2008. Shark Families Heterodontidae to Pristiophoridae. pp. 32-100 in Gomon. M.F., Bray, D.J. & Kuiter, R.H (eds). Fishes of Australia's Southern Coast. Sydney : Reed New Holland 928 pp.

Whitley, G.P. 1939. Taxonomic notes on sharks and rays. The Australian Zoologist 9(3): 227-262 figs 1-18 pls 20-22 [228] (changed combination as type of genus Sutorectus).

Whitley, G.P. 1940. The Fishes of Australia. Part 1. The sharks, rays, devil-fish, and other primitive fishes of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney : Roy. Zool. Soc. N.S.W. 280 pp. 303 figs

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37013012

Conservation:IUCN Least Concern

Danger:Dangerous if provoked

Depth:1-35 m

Habitat:Reef associated

Max Size:100 cm TL


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