- Classification
- Stethojulis
- bandanensis
Redspot Wrasse, Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker 1851)
Other Names: Banda Wrasse, Bluelined Wrasse, Dotted Rainbowfish, Dotted Rainbow-fish, Red-spot Rainbowfish, Red-spot Wrasse
A male Redspot Wrasse, Stethojulis bandanensis, at Comets Hole, Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea, 2 January 2009. Source: Erik Schlogl / iNaturalist.org. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial
A wrasse with a distinctive reddish spot above the pectoral-fin base at all life stages.
Males (terminal phase) are olive-brown above, with a paler lower body separated by a narrow blue stripe through the pectoral-fin base running onto the tail, a narrow blue stripe from the eye along the dorsal-fin base and upper part of the tail, two blue stripes on the anterior body, blue stripes on the head, and a yellow patch on cheek.
Females (initial phase) are greyish with small white spots densely covering the upper body, a light patch on each scale on the lower part of the body giving a cross-hatched pattern, a reddish spot above the pectoral-fin base and two small ocelli in the middle of the tail base.
Juvenile have small ocelli on the rear of the dorsal fin and tail base.
Males (terminal phase) are olive-brown above, with a paler lower body separated by a narrow blue stripe through the pectoral-fin base running onto the tail, a narrow blue stripe from the eye along the dorsal-fin base and upper part of the tail, two blue stripes on the anterior body, blue stripes on the head, and a yellow patch on cheek.
Females (initial phase) are greyish with small white spots densely covering the upper body, a light patch on each scale on the lower part of the body giving a cross-hatched pattern, a reddish spot above the pectoral-fin base and two small ocelli in the middle of the tail base.
Juvenile have small ocelli on the rear of the dorsal fin and tail base.
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Bray, D.J. 2018, Stethojulis bandanensis in Fishes of Australia, accessed 22 Jan 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/276
Redspot Wrasse, Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker 1851)
More Info
Distribution |
Widespread in Australia from Rottnest Island to off the Kimberley cpast, also Rowley Shoals and Scott Reef, Western Australia, Ashmore Reef, Timor Sea, and the northern Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, and reefs in the Coral Sea, to Merimbula, New South Wales; also Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean, and the Lord Howe Island region and Norfolk Island in the Tasman Sea. Elsewhere the species occurs in the tropical Pacific: from Indonesia to the Pitcairn Islands, north to Japan, and in the Eastern Pacific. Inhabits clear reef flats, lagoons and seaward reefs, usually in areas of mixed sand, rubble, and coral. |
Features |
Dorsal fin IX, 11-12; Anal fin III,11, first spine minute or imbedded. |
Biology |
A protogynous hermaphrodite. |
Similar Species |
Terminal phase Stethojulis bandanensis males have only the upper and lower blue stripes running the length of the body. Male Brokenline Wrasse, S. interrupta, lack a lower stripe and have a broken mid-lateral stripe. The lower stripe of male Silverstreak Wrasse, S. strigiventer, only runs half-way along the body. Male Three-ribbon Wrasse, S. trilineata, have three stripes running the length of the body, and fourth stripe extending to above the pectoral fin. |
Species Citation |
Julis bandanensis Bleeker 1851, Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch Indië 2: 254. Type locality: East Indies. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2018 |
Resources |
Redspot Wrasse, Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker 1851)
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