Barred Grubfish, Parapercis allporti (Günther 1876)

Barred Grubfish, Parapercis allporti. Source: Rudie H. Kuiter / Aquatic Photographics. License: All rights reserved
Barred Grubfish, Parapercis allporti (Günther 1876)
More Info
Distribution |
Southern Queensland, to west of Lancelin, Western Australia, including around Tasmania. Inhabits sandy and rubble bottoms at depths to about 400 m. |
Features |
Dorsal fin V, 21; Anal fin 18; Caudal fin 15; Pectoral fin 19–21; Pelvic fin I, 5; Lateral line scales 56–60; Gill rakers 4–7 + 10–12. Eye diameter 30–38% HL; mouth reaching below front half of eyes; vomer with semicircular patch of robust blunt conical teeth, palatines toothless; scales covering cheeks forward to below centre of eye and much of opercle, interorbital naked. Dorsal fin continuous, spines of similar length; pectoral and pelvic fins of similar length. |
Size |
To 33 cm TL. This is of the largest species of Parapercis found in Australia. |
Colour |
Reddish brown above, whitish below, with 7 blackish bands dorsally on body, alternating with many narrower secondary bands, bands fading midlaterally; irregular rounded to wedge-shaped black blotch on upper base of caudal fin; fins mostly yellow, anal and lower caudal fins with broad orange-red margins, caudal fin with narrow vertical wavy orange lines. |
Fisheries |
Taken as bycatch in commercial trawls on deeper parts of the continental shelf. |
Etymology |
The species is named in honour of Morton Allport Esq., who presented two specimens from Tasmania to the British Museum. |
Species Citation |
Percis allporti Günther, 1876, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4, 17: 394. Type locality: Tasmania. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. 2024 |
Resources |
Barred Grubfish, Parapercis allporti (Günther 1876)
Cantwell, G.E. 1964. A revision of the genus Parapercis, family Mugiloididae. Pacific Science 18(3): 239-280
(treated Parapercis naevosa as a synonym of P. allporti)
Günther, A. 1876. Remarks on fishes, with descriptions of new species in the British Museum, chiefly from southern seas. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4 17(43): 389-402. See ref at BHL
Ho, H.-C. & Johnson, J.W. 2013. Redescription of Parapercis macrophthalma (Pietschmann, 1911) and description of a new species of Parapercis (Pisces: Pinguipedidae) from Taiwan. Zootaxa 3620(2): 273-282.
Johnson, J.W. 2008. Pinguipedidae. pp. 670-673 in Gomon. M.F., Bray, D.J. & Kuiter, R.H (eds). Fishes of Australia's Southern Coast. Sydney : Reed New Holland 928 pp.
Johnson, J.W., Struthers, C.D. & Worthington Wilmer, J. 2014. Parapercis nigrodorsalis (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae), a new species of sandperch from northern New Zealand and the Norfolk Ridge, Tasman Sea and remarks on P. binivirgata (Waite, 1904). Zootaxa 3856(4): 484-500.
Johnson, J.W. & Randall, J.E. 2006. Simipercis trispinosa, a new genus and species of sandperch (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae) from eastern Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 63(1): 57-64.
Kuiter, R.H. 1993. Coastal Fishes of South-eastern Australia. Bathurst : Crawford House Press 437 pp.
Last, P.R., Scott, E.O.G. & Talbot, F.H. 1983. Fishes of Tasmania. Hobart : Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority 563 pp. figs.
May, J.L. & Maxwell, J.G.H. 1986. Field Guide to Trawl Fish from Temperate Waters of Australia. Hobart : CSIRO Division of Marine Research 492 pp.
Thomson, J.M. 1978. A Field Guide to the Common Sea & Estuary Fishes of Non-tropical Australia. Sydney : Collins 144 pp.
Waite, E.R. 1899. Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. Thetis off the coast of New South Wales. Memoirs of the Australian Museum 4: 1-132 figs 1-10 pls 1-31 (described as Parapercis ocularis, type locality - off Barranjoey, New South Wales)