Sailfin Ribbongoby, Oxymetopon typus Bleeker 1861

Sailfin Ribbongobies, Oxypometopon typus, at Flores, Indonesia. Source: Rudie H. Kuiter / Aquatic Photographics. License: All rights reserved

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Bray, D.J. 2019, Oxymetopon typus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 12 Oct 2024,

Sailfin Ribbongoby, Oxymetopon typus Bleeker 1861

More Info


Gulf of Carpentaria west of Weipa and the northern Great Barrier Reef, to off Shoalwater Bay, Queensland. Elsewhere the species occurs in the tropical, west Pacific.
Small groups usually inhabit silty inshore areas including deep muddy slopes subject to strong currents.

Species Citation

Oxymetopon typus Bleeker 1861. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch IndiĆ« 22: 259. Type locality: Kupang, Timor Island, Malay Archipelago.


Bray, D.J. 2019


Atlas of Living Australia

Sailfin Ribbongoby, Oxymetopon typus Bleeker 1861


Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V. 2012. Reef fishes of the East Indies. Perth : Tropical Reef Research 3 vols, 1260 pp. 

Bleeker, P. 1861. Zesde bijdrage tot de kennis der vischfauna van Timor. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch IndiĆ« 22: 247-261 

Koumans, F.P. 1953. The Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Gobioidea. Leiden : Brill Vol. 10 423 pp. 95 figs.

Kuiter R.W. & Tonozuka, T. 2001. Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 3. Jawfishes - Sunfishes, Opistognathidae - Molidae. Zoonetics, Australia. pp. 623-893.

Larson, H.K. 2001. Microdesmidae. pp. 3607-3608 in Carpenter, K.E. & Niem, T.H. (eds). The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fisheries Purposes. Rome : FAO Vol. 6 pp. 3381-4218.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37435027


Depth:15-40 m

Habitat:Reef associated, silty areas

Max weight:18 cm SL

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