Striate Whiptail, Coryphaenoides striaturus Barnard 1925

Striate Whiptail, Coryphaenoides striaturus. Source: Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial
Striate Whiptail, Coryphaenoides striaturus Barnard 1925
More Info
Distribution |
Widespread in temperate waters of Southern Hemisphere from southeast Atlantic Ocean, across Indian Ocean to Australia and New Zealand; benthopelagic on continental slope at 800-2000 m, usually at 1000-1400 m. |
Features |
D II, 8-10; P 18-24; V 11-12; GR (inner) 12-16; PC 9-12 |
Size |
To 55 cm TL |
Colour |
Overall pale greyish-silvery to dark brown; abdomen and ventral surfaces of head and trunk darker; fins dusky, blackish in darker individuals; mouth and gill cavities dark. |
Feeding |
Carnivorous on invertebrates such as polychaete worms, small crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs. |
Species Citation |
Coryphaenoides striaturus Barnard, 1925. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)15(88): 500, off Cape Point, South Africa. |
Striate Whiptail, Coryphaenoides striaturus Barnard 1925
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