Graceful Whiptail, Coelorinchus charius Iwamoto & Williams 1999

Illustration of the Graceful Whiptail, Coelorinchus charius. Source: T. Iwamoto, California Academy of Sciences. License: All rights reserved
Graceful Whiptail, Coelorinchus charius Iwamoto & Williams 1999
More Info
Distribution |
Endemic to tropical and subtropical waters off Western Australia, and off Cape York, Queensland; bathydemersal on the continental slope at depths between 420-691 m. |
Features |
Dorsal fin II, 8-9; Pectoral fin 17-19; Gill rakers (inner) 2+6; Branchiostegal rays 7-9. |
Size |
Reaches a total length of 37 cm. |
Colour |
Body overall light brownish, grey dorsally, faintly bluish over abdomen, pale with ivory to silvery reflections ventrally; underside of head whitish, anterior snout margin slightly dusky, lips, gums, barbel and anterior margin of mouth cavity cream. No prominent markings on fins. Fins pale dusky, without prominent markings, pelvic fins dark to dusky, outer ray white distally. |
Biology |
Fisheries |
Conservation |
Etymology |
The specific name charius in from the Greek 'charieis' meaning graceful. |
Species Citation |
Coelorinchus charius Iwamoto & Williams, 1999, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 51(3): 132, fig.9. Type locality: off Shark Bay, Western Australia, depth 610-612 m. |
Author |
Bray, D.J. & G. Frankham |
Graceful Whiptail, Coelorinchus charius Iwamoto & Williams 1999
Iwamoto, T. & Williams, A. 1999. Grenadiers (Pisces, Gadiformes) from the continental slope of western and northwestern Australia. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 51(3): 105-243, figs. 1-58.
Williams, A., Last, P.R., Gomon, M.F. & J.R. Paxton. 1996. Species composition and checklist of the demersal ichthyofauna of the ocntinental slope off Western Australia (20-35°). Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 18: 135-155 [as Coelorinchus sp. E].