Graham's Whiptail, Coryphaenoides grahami Iwamoto & Shcherbachev 1991

Graham's Whiptail, Coryphaenoides grahami. Source: NORFANZ Founding Parties. License: All rights reserved

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Coryphaenoides grahami in Fishes of Australia, accessed 18 Feb 2025,

Graham's Whiptail, Coryphaenoides grahami Iwamoto & Shcherbachev 1991

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Widespread in Southern Hemisphere, from eastern Atlantic off South Africa, across southern Indian Ocean to Southwest Pacific, northwest of New Zealand; bathypelagic on the continental slope at depths of 1030 - 1280 m.


1D II, 8-9, P i19-i23, V 12, GR-I (total, outer/inner series) 8-10/11-14, PC about 10
Body deep behind anal fin origin, gradually tapering into long, laterally compressed tail, head short, broad, lacking stout ridges of large, modified scales and large tubercular scale at snout tip, underside (except gill membranes) entirely scaled; snout broad, bluntly rounded, lacking terminal or lateral scutes, scarcely extending beyond upper jaw, preopercle with 4 distinctive spine-like struts; mouth large, subterminal, upper jaw reaching to below hind margin, teeth small, weak, somewhat deciduous, in single row in lower jaw; outer gill slit wide, outer series of rakers on first arch developed; chin barbel short, slender; first dorsal fin with serrated spinous ray, outer pelvic fin ray filamentous, extending beyond anal-fin origin; body scales large, deciduous with about 8-10 parallel rows of small spinules; anus immediately before anal fin origin, light organ absent.


to 40 cm TL


Ivory white with silvery sheen, blackish over ventral surfaces, lips, mouth, gill membranes, gill chamber, and most fins.



Species Citation

Coryphaenoides grahami

Iwamoto, T. & Shcherbachev, Y.N. 1991. Macrourid fishes of the subgenus

Chalinura, genus Coryphaenoides, from the Indian Ocean. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 47(7): 207-233 [210, fig. 3].

Type locality: Indian Ocean, 30°58'S, 93°42'E

Graham's Whiptail, Coryphaenoides grahami Iwamoto & Shcherbachev 1991


Iwamoto, T. & Graham, K.J. 2001. Grenadiers (Families Bathygadidae and Macrouridae, Gadiformes, Pisces) of New South Wales, Australia. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 52(21): 407-509, figs. 1-114

Iwamoto, T. & Shchervbachev, Y.N. 1991. Macrourid fishes of the subgenus Chalinura, genus Coryphaenoides, from the Indian Ocean. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 47(7): 207-233.

Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2007. FishBase
World Wide Web electronic publication, version (05/2007).

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37232050

Biology:No light organ

Depth:1095-1785 m



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