Fimbriate Gudgeon, Oxyeleotris fimbriata (Weber 1908)
Other Names: Rough-scaled Loter

Fimbriate Gudgeon, Oxyeleotris fimbriata. Source: Mark Allen. License: all rights reserved
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Martin F. Gomon, Oxyeleotris fimbriata in Fishes of Australia, accessed 16 Feb 2025,
Fimbriate Gudgeon, Oxyeleotris fimbriata (Weber 1908)
More Info
Distribution |
Known in northern Australia from Cockatoo Creek (11°32'S) to Ducie River (12°S) Cape York, QLD; also occurs in New Guinea; benthic species inhabiting freshwater creeks and larger streams, usually around vegetation or log snags over soft bottom. |
Features |
D VI; I, 11; A I, 9; P 15-16; Tr Sc 19-20; GR (lower limb) 6-7 Body elongate, anteriorly depressed, posteriorly compressed, depth 4.5-5.5 in SL. Head depressed, profile straight, 2.75-3.2 in SL. Snout slightly shorter than eye to as long as eye, tip before lower margin of eye. Anterior nostril in short tube. Eye diameter 4.5-6.0 in head length; interorbital 1-2 eye diameters. Lower jaw prominent, mouth oblique, reaching to below anterior part or middle of eye; jaw teeth in several rows, upper jaw with outer row slightly enlarged; outer row in lower jaw at front and a few teeth laterally of inner row enlarged. Head pores minute; some open pores around eyes and along posterior margin of preopercle. Mucous canals radiating under eye; two canals longitudinally on cheek. Scales on body ctenoid, cycloid on nape, breast and belly; longitudinal series 55-60; cycloid scales on head scaled above from dorsal fin to in front of eyes, on cheek and opercle; predorsal scales 25-30. Two dorsal fins, first dorsal fin much lower than body depth; height of second dorsal about 0.67 body depth; caudal fin rounded. Pectoral fin rounded, as long as head without snout. Pelvic fins separate, slightly shorter than pectorals. |
Size |
Maximum size to around 18 cm SL, commonly to 10 cm SL. |
Colour |
Head and anterior part of back pale brown, side dark brown, becoming white on belly; series of large irregular, pale brown blotches on back and dorsally on sides; short dark brown stripe from front of eye to upper lip, and 2-3 similar bands radiating from eye posteriorly. First dorsal fin clear or slightly dusky; second dorsal clear with brown spotting forming stripes; caudal fin dusky brown or with brown spotting frequently with narrow white margin; pelvic and anal fins dusky, pectoral fins clear with blackish spot on upper fin base. |
Feeding |
Likely to feed on small crustaceans, aquatic insects and small fishes. |
Biology |
Oviparous, benthic spawner with male parental care of adhesive demersal eggs until hatching. |
Species Citation |
Eleotris fimbriatus Weber, M. (1908). Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea; ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem früheren Zusammenhang von Neu-Guinea und Australien. Nova Guinea. Rés. Exp. sci. Néerland. Nouvelle-Guinea. Zool. 5(2): 201–267–1 fig. pls 11–13 [254]. Etna Bay, south-west New Guinea. |
Author |
Martin F. Gomon |
Fimbriate Gudgeon, Oxyeleotris fimbriata (Weber 1908)
Allen, G.R. (1989). Freshwater Fishes of Australia. Neptune, New Jersey : T.F.H. Publications 240 pp. pls 1–63.
Allen, G.R., Midgley, S.H. & Allen, M. (2002). Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Australia. Perth : Western Australian Museum 394 pp.