West Australian Dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson 1845

Other Names: Dhufish, Dhuie, Jewfish, Jewie, WA Pearl Perch, West Australian Jewfish, West Australian Pearl Perch, Western Jewfish, Westralian Jewfish

A Western Australian Dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum, at the Wreck of the HMAS Swan, Geographe Bay, Western Australia, April 2006. Source: Erik Schlogl / iNaturalist.org. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial

A large, long-lived dhufish with a curved dark band through the eye (less distinct in females). Adult males develop an elongate filament on the dorsal fin. Juveniles also have broad dark stripes along the sides that are much wider than the pale interspaces.

Video of West Australian Dhufish schooling at the Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia.

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Bray, D.J. 2019, Glaucosoma hebraicum in Fishes of Australia, accessed 15 Jan 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/4615

West Australian Dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson 1845

More Info


Endemic to the western and southwestern coasts of Western Australia from Esperance to Shark Bay.
Inhabit rocky outcrops and ledges,, usually in depths of 20-50 m, although adults also occur in much shallower waters. Juveniles usually shelter in sandy areas with dense to light seagrass cover (Posidonia angustifolia) or in sandy areas near reefs with sponges, macroalgae, sessile invertebrates and seagrasses (Posidonia and Amphibolis). 


Juveniles feed mostly on small crustaceans, including isopods, amphipods and mysids; also some small fishes.


West Australian Dhufish are a large, long-lived species, and may live for more than 40 years. They grow to a more than a metre in length and may weigh more than 25 kilos.


A very popular and highly sought after recreational fish, and widely regarded as the “jewel in the crown” of the demersal scalefish fishery in Western Australia. The West Australian Dhufish is targeted in the West Coast Demersal Scalefish Fishery in the West Coast Bioregion of Western Australia.

Species Citation

Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson 1845, Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror 2(2): 27, pl. 17. Type locality: Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia.


Bray, D.J. 2019


Australian Faunal Directory

West Australian Dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum Richardson 1845


Burridge, C.P. & England, P.R. 2009. Tri- and tetranucleotide  microsatellites in dhufish Glaucosoma hebracium (Perciformes). Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 948-951

Castelnau, F.L. de 1875. Researches on the fishes of Australia. Intercolonial Exhibition Essays. 2. pp. 1–52 in, Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876 : Official Record. Melbourne. (described as Breviperca lineata)

Coleman, N. 1980. Australian Sea Fishes South of 30ºS. Lane Cove, NSW : Doubleday Australia Pty Ltd 309 pp.
Grant, E.M. 2002. Guide to Fishes. Redcliffe : EM Grant Pty Ltd 880 pp.

Hesp, S.A., Potter, I.C. & Hall, N.G. 2002. Age and size composition, growth rate, reproductive biology, and habitats of the West Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum) and their relevance to the management of this species. Fishery Bulletin 100: 214–227.

Hutchins, B. & Swainston, R. 1999. Sea Fishes of Southern Australia. Gary Allen Pty Ltd, Australia, 180 pp.

Hyndes, G.A., Kendrick, A.J., MacArthur, L.D. & Stewart, E. 2003. Differences in the species- and size-composition of fish assemblages in three distinct seagrass habitats with differing plant and meadow structure. Marine Biology 142: 1195-1206.

Kailola, P.J., Williams, M.J., Stewart, P.C., Reichelt, R.E., McNee, A. & Grieve, C. 1993. Australian Fisheries Resources. Canberra : Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation 422 pp.

Lenanton, R., St John, J., Keay, I., Wakefield, C., Jackson, G., Wise, B. & Gaughan, D. 2009. Spatial scales of exploitation among populations of demersal scalefish: implications for management. Part 2: Stock structure and biology of two indicator species, West Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum) and pink snapper (Pagrus auratus), in the West Coast Bioregion. Final Report to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation on Project No. 2003/052. Fisheries Research Report No. 174. Department of Fisheries, WA. 187 pp.

Lewis, P., Mitsopoulos, G. & Molony, B. 2012. Identification of critical habitats for juvenile dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum). NRM Project 09038 – Protecting Inshore and Demersal Finfish. Fisheries Research Report No 238. Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 64 pp.

McKay, R.J. 1997. FAO Species Catalogue. Pearl Perches of the World Family Glaucosomatidae. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125 Vol. 17. 1-26 pp.

Meeuwig, J. 2011. Whither small dhufish? An analysis of existing dhufish survey data to detect patterns in the distribution of small animals. Centre for Marine Futures Report 2011/02, University of Western Australia, Perth, 24 pp.

Mitsopoulos, G. & Molony, B. 2010. Protecting inshore and demersal finfish; Identification of critical habitats for juvenile dhufish. Fisheries Research Report No. 210, Department of Fisheries, WA. 31 pp. 

Parsons, M.J., Longbottom, S.G., Lewis, P., McCauley, R.D. & Fairclough, D.V. 2013. Sound production by the West Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (4): 2701-2709.

Parsons, M.J., Longbottom, S.G., McCauley, R.D., Lewis, P. & Fairclough, D.V. 2014. In situ calls of the marine perciform Glaucosoma hebraicum. Acoustics Australia 42(1): 31-35.

Pironet, F.N. & Neira, F.J. 1998. Hormone induced spawning and development of artificially reared larvae of the West Australian dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum (Glaucosomatidae). Marine and Freshwater Research 49: 133–142.

Platell, M.E., Hesp, S.A, Cossington, S.M., Lek, E., Moore, S.E & Potter, I.C. 2010. Influence of selected factors on the dietary compositions of three targeted and co-occurring temperate species of reef fishes: implications for food partitioning. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 1255-1276.

Prokop, F. 2002. Australian Fish Guide. Croydon South, Victoria : Australian Fishing Network 256 pp.

Richardson, J. 1845. Ichthyology. 17-52 pls 7-8 (parts), 11-30 in Richardson, J. & Gray, J.E. (eds). The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror under the Command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross, R.N., F.R.S., during the years 1839–43. London : E.W. Janson Vol. 2 139 pls 1-60.

Roughley, T.C. 1957. Fish and Fisheries of Australia. Sydney : Angus & Robertson 341 pp.

Shand, J., Archer, M.A., Thomas, N. & Cleary, J. 2001. Retinal development of West Australian dhufish Glaucosoma hebraicum. Visual Neuroscience 18: 711-724.

St. John, J. & Syers, C.J. 2005. Mortality of the demersal West Australian dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum (Richardson 1845) following catch and release: the influence of capture depth, venting and hook type. Fisheries Research 76: 106-116. 

Strzelecki, J., Feng, M., Berry, O., Zhong, L., Keesing, J., Fairclough, D., Pearce, A., Slawinski, D., Mortimer, N. 2013. Location and transport of early life stages of West Australian Dhufish, Glaucosoma hebraicum. FRDC report 2011/016.

Yearsley, G.K., Last, P.R. & Ward, R.D. (eds) 1999. Australian Seafood Handbook. Hobart : CSIRO Marine Research 460 pp.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37320004

Depth:3-200 m

Fishing:Commercial, recreational fish

Habitat:Reef associated

Max Size:122 cm TL; 26 kg


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