Japanese Rubyfish, Erythrocles schlegelii (Richardson 1846)

Other Names: Pacific Rover

Japanese Rubyfish, Erythrocles schlegeli. Source: Council of Agriculture Fisheries Research Institute, Taiwan / http://catalog.digitalarchives.tw/item/00/30/ff/89.html. License: CC by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives

A bluish-grey to reddish-orange rubyfish, becoming pale silvery pink below, with reddish-orange caudal and pectoral fins.

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Bray, D.J. 2022, Erythrocles schlegelii in Fishes of Australia, accessed 10 Mar 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/4781

Japanese Rubyfish, Erythrocles schlegelii (Richardson 1846)

More Info


Off Rottnest Island, Western Australia, around the tropical north, to off Moreton Bay, Queensland, and reefs in the Coral Sea; also at Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea. Elsewhere the species occurs in the tropical, Indo-west Pacific (South Africa, South China Sea and Japan).


Dorsal fin XI, 10-12; Anal fin III, 9-10.


Reportedly feeds mostly on sergistid shrimps, and also on small mesopelagic fishes of the families Myctophidae, Astronesthidae and Paralepididae.


In epipelagic waters off the coast of the Philippines, larval and juvenile Japanese Rubyfish were photographed closely associating with the pelagic salp Pegea confoederata, either drifting alongside a colony of salps or residing inside individual salp cavities (Pastana et al. 2022).

Species Citation

Emmelichthys schlegelii Richardson 1846, Report of the 15th meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1845: 272. Type locality: Nagasaki, Japan.


Bray, D.J. 2022


Australian Faunal Directory

Japanese Rubyfish, Erythrocles schlegelii (Richardson 1846)


Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. & Kailola, P.J. 1984. Trawled Fishes of Southern Indonesia and Northwest Australia. Jakarta : Dir. Gen. Fish. (Indonesia), German Tech. Coop., Aust. Dev. Ass. Bur. 406 pp.

Heemstra, P.C. & Randall, J.E. 1977. A revision of the Emmelichthyidae (Pisces : Perciformes). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 28: 361-396 figs 1-5 

Pastana, M.N.L., Girard, M.G., Bartick, M.I. & Johnson, G.D. 2022. A Novel Association between larval and juvenile Erythrocles schlegelii (Teleostei: Emmelichthyidae) and pelagic tunicates. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110(4): 675-679,  https://doi.org/10.1643/i2022008

Nor, L.A., Kykharev, N.N. & Zaytiev, A.K. 1985. The biology of Erythrocles schlegeli (Richardson) (Emmelichthyidae) of the South China Sea. Journal of Ichthyology 25(2):146-149.

Richardson, J. 1846. Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Report of the 15th meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1845: 187-320 

Smith, M.M. & Heemstra, P.C. (eds) 1986. Smith's Sea Fishes. Johannesburg : Macmillan South Africa xx + 1047 pp. 144 pls.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37345005

Depth:200-500 metres


Max Size:72 cm TL

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