Emerald Cling Goby, Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat 1995
Other Names: Birdsong Cling Goby

Stiphodon birdsong - female. Source: Gerald R. Allen. License: All rights reserved
A cling goby found in clear fast-flowing freshwater streams in the Queensland wet tropics. Males are bright red with a blue head, and females are almost transparent with slightly dusky markings.
In Australia, this species was previously known as Stiphodon birdsong (a junior synonym of S. surrufus) (Keith et al. 2015).
In Australia, this species was previously known as Stiphodon birdsong (a junior synonym of S. surrufus) (Keith et al. 2015).
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Dianne J. Bray, Stiphodon surrufus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 28 Mar 2025, https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/4898
Emerald Cling Goby, Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat 1995
More Info
Distribution |
Found south of Cairns, QLD, and elsewhere in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia (West Papua) and the Solomon Islands. Inhabits clear fast-flowing freshwater streams with rocky bottoms - in altitudes between 40-200 m. |
Features |
Second dorsal fin with 9 segmented rays; males with first dorsal fin same height as second dorsal fin; spines not filamentous; pectoral fin usually with 14 rays; predorsal midline naked; body anteriorly, belly, pectoral base and head naked; cycloid scales present midlaterally ventral to first dorsal fin, midline between second dorsal fin and anal fin, and caudal peduncle scales ctenoid. |
Remarks |
Like other cling gobies, this species is able to cling to rocks in swift flowing streams using their pelvic fins which are modified into a sucking disk. |
Etymology |
The species is named in memory of the ichthyologist Ray S. Birdsong, formerly of Old Dominian University, Virginia. |
Species Citation |
Stiphodon birdsong Watson, 1996, Rev. Fr. d'Aquariol. Herpétol. 23(3-4): 118, figs 11-13. Type locality: Letak Creek, 25 km SE of Wewak, Papua New Guinea. |
Author |
Dianne J. Bray |
Emerald Cling Goby, Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat 1995
Boseto, D. 2012. Stiphodon birdsong. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1.
Ebner, B.C., Thuesen, P.A., Larson, H. & Keith, P. 2012. A review of distribution, field observations and precautionary conservation requirements for sicydiine gobies in Australia. Cybium 35: 397-414.
Ebner, B.C. & Thuesen, P. 2011. Discovery of stream-cling-goby assemblages (Stiphodon species) in the Australian Wet Tropics. Australian Journal of Zoology 58: 331-340.
Watson, R.E., G.R. Allen & M. Kottelat. 1998. A review of Stiphodon from Halmahera and Irian Jaya, Indonesia, with descriptions of two new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwater 9(3): 293-304.