Azuma Perchlet, Plectranthias azumanus (Jordan & Richardson 1910)

An Azuma Perchlet, Plectranthias azumanus, from Shizuoka Prefecture, Numazu Uchiuramito Bay, Japan, December 2018. Source: Ryota Hasegawa / Web Fish Picture Book, License: CC BY Attribution

Body with a series of broad yellow to red bars along the side, a large red spot on the caudal peduncle, a yellow bar beneath the eye, and a small red spot on the caudal fin near the base of the upper rays.
Video of Plectranthias azumanus in an aquarium.

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Bray, D.J. 2021, Plectranthias azumanus in Fishes of Australia, accessed 19 Jan 2025,

Azuma Perchlet, Plectranthias azumanus (Jordan & Richardson 1910)

More Info


Off Geraldton, Western Australia, in 252–253 m. Elsewhere the species occurs in the West Pacific: Japan and Taiwan, at depths of 60–280 m. 


Dorsal fin X,14–15, all segmented rays branched; Anal fin III, 7, all but first segmented rays branched; Pectoral fin 14-15, upper 2 and lower 1 rays unbranched; Pelvic fin I,5, all segmented rays branched; Gill rakers 8+14, the upper 6 rudiments; Lateral line 33–37 tubed scales; Vertebrae 10+16.
No antrorse serrations on lower edge of preopercle; scales with basal cteni.


Colour in life from photograph: head and body pale tan, darker in interorbital area and on occiput; a short dusky grey stripe from mid-posterior orbit to above opercle; dusky grey wedge extending from anterior nape and base of third dorsal spine to point just above pectoral base, darkest on dorsal origin; indistinct dusky bar from bases of fifth through seventh dorsal spines to mid-side; dark grey bar extending from eighth dorsal spine through first segmented ray to just above anal-fin origin; short, indistinct bar extending from beneath final 2 segmented dorsal rays; caudal peduncle with dark grey saddle, extending to 1.5 scales below lateral line; fins hyaline except dark grey spot at dorsal-fin origin, and dark grey bar on mid-body extending to tips of eight through tenth dorsal spines and first segmented ray.

Similar Species

In the similar Plectranthias kelloggi, the bars along the side are coalesced into a broad red wedge.


The specific name azumanus is from the old Japanese word Azuma (= east), "a poetical name for Japan), in reference to the type locality - Tokyo Bay, Japan.

Species Citation

Pseudanthias azumanus Jordan & Richardson 1910, Proceedings of the United States National Museum 37(1714): 470. Type locality: Tokyo Bay, Japan [replacement name for Anthias japonicus Döderlein 1883, preoccupied by Anthias japonicus Bloch 1793].


Bray, D.J. 2021


Atlas of Living Australia

Azuma Perchlet, Plectranthias azumanus (Jordan & Richardson 1910)


Jordan, D.S. & Richardson, R.E. 1910. A review of the Serranidae or sea bass of Japan. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 37(1714): 421-474. See ref at BHL

Gill, A.C., Pogonoski, J.J., Moore, G.I. & Johnson, J.W. 2021. Review of Australian species of Plectranthias Bleeker and Selenanthias Tanaka (Teleostei: Serranidae: Anthiadinae), with descriptions of four new species. Zootaxa 4918(1): 1-116.

Quick Facts

CAAB Code:37311238

Depth:60-280 m

Habitat:Reef associated

Max Size:14 cm

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