- Classification
- Guttigadus
Genus Guttigadus
A genus of morid cods found mostly in the Southern Ocean between latitudes 25°-59°S in depths of 25-1900 m.
Diagnostic characters: head globular; interorbital length usually greater than orbit diameter; vomer absent, rounded or v-shaped; a small barbel usually present on chin; bases of dorsal and anal fin generally fleshy; highly modified scales in lateral line; pelvic fin with two large rays plus one to three smaller rays; caudal vertebrae 41-50; anus usually well separated from anal fin; known juveniles with numerous (5-7) vertical bars on sides.
Key to described species of Guttigadus of Australia (modified from Meléndez & Markle 1997)
1a. Gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch 22-30………………......................................... G. globiceps
1b. Gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch fewer than 22 ............................................................. 2
2a. Gill chamber, floor of mouth, and lips pale …………........................................................... G. kongi
2b. Gill chamber, floor of mouth, and lips dark ................................................................. G. globosus
Meléndez C., R. & D.F. Markle. 1997. Phylogeny and zoogeography of Laemonema and Guttigadus (Pisces; Gadiformes; Moridae). Bulletin of Marine Science 61(3): 593-670. PDF Open access